Acta Montana (Pamela Simpson)
Marcia Tuttle 14 Oct 1998 18:25 UTC
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Date: Wed, 14 Oct 1998 13:27:24 -0400
From: Pamela Simpson <p2s@PSULIAS.PSU.EDU>
Subject: Acta Montana
I queried this list about this title a few months ago, but received no
answer. Marie Bednar, the Head of Cataloging here at Penn State kindly
queried a Czech library listserv for me and she received the following
answer from the publisher of Acta Montana:
>This journal is and will continue to be published in three series:
>>Series A - Geodynamics
>>Series B - Fuel, Carbon and Mineral Processing
>>Series AB - Geodynamics & Fuel, Carbon, Mineral Processing
>Series A and series B are refereed. In the Series AB are published
>shortened versions of PhD dissertations produced in the Institute of the
>Rock Structure and Mechanics), final reports from grant projects, etc.
>This year they published Series AB, No. 5 (108).
>>Date: Fri, 25 Sep 1998 11:30:03 +0200
>>From: Zdenka Schenkova <>
>>Subject: Re: question on Acta Montana
>>To: "''" <>
>>Vazena pani Bednarova!
>>Nejdrive Vas srdecne zdravim pravdepodobne ve Vasem materskem jazyce.
>>Casopis Acta Montana vychazi ve trech seriich :
>>Series A - Geodynamics
>>Series B - Fuel, Carbon and Mineral Processing
>>Series AB - Geodynamics & Fuel, Carbon, Mineral Processing
>>Series A a B jsou recenzovane. V Series AB vychazi zkracene verse
>obhajenych doktorskych disertaci, vypracovanych v nasem ustavu (Institute
>Rock Structure and Mechanics, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic),
>zaverecnych zprav grantovych projektu resenych na nasem pracovisti ap.
>Series AB neni jiz recenzovana.
>>V letosnim roce vyslo Ser. AB, No. 5(108) - V.Vilimek: Morphostructural
>Analysis of Katerinohorska Vault in Krusne Hory Mts.
>>Pokud budete mit dalsi dotazy, nevahejte e-mailovat znovu.
>> Zdenka Schenkova, Executive Editor of Series A
> ************************************
> * Marie Bednar *
> * Cataloging Coordinator *
> * Penn State University Libraries *
> * University Park, PA 16802 *
> * 814-865-1755; 814-863-7293 (fax)*
> * E-mail: *
> ************************************
Pamela Simpson
Serials and Electronic Resources Cataloging Librarian
E506 Pattee Library
University Libraries
Pennsylvania State University
University Park, PA 16802
(814) 865-1755 (voice)
(814) 863-7293 (fax)