Re: sources for a foreign title? (Franoise Chevallier-Allard) Marcia Tuttle 08 Oct 1998 16:30 UTC

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Date: Thu, 8 Oct 1998 15:49:27 +0200
From: "[UNKNOWN-8BIT] Fran�oise Chevallier-Allard" <fcallard@UNIV-LYON1.FR>
Subject: Re: sources for a foreign title? (Pam Matthews)

A 15:09 07/10/98 -0400, vous avez �crit :

>Hi all, we subscribe to a title called _L'Evenement du jeudi_.  Somehow, we
>missed all the issues for the first half of 1998.  (Our vendor reimbursed
>us for them so I'm guessing it was their fault!)
>Any ideas where we might be able to get the issues?  We bind and keep this
>title so we don't want to have a 6 month gap in our holdings.  UMI doesn't
>film this title, our vendor can't get us the paper copies and I don't know
>of any French microfilm or periodical backfile dealers.

Hi !
I am in France and I contacted the evenement du jeudi to explain your problem
I should have an answer on Monday (I hope)
Don't despair, the lady told me the problem did not look unmendable
Have a nice week-end in the meantime