Journal of Interlibrary Loan, Document Delivery & Information , (Charles Dabkowski) Marcia Tuttle 05 Oct 1998 18:27 UTC

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Date: Mon, 5 Oct 1998 14:14:41 -0500
From: Charles Dabkowski <DABKOWSKI@NIAGARA.EDU>
Subject: Journal of Interlibrary Loan, Document Delivery & Informati

Forwarded on behlf of Leslie R. Morris:
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Organization:   Niagara University
Date sent:      Fri, 2 Oct 1998 08:34:46 EST
Subject:        Journal of Interlibrary Loan, Document Delivery & Information Su

                        Call for Papers

     The Journal of Interlibrary Loan & Information Supply

Papers are invited for all topics of interlibrary loandocument
delivery and/or information supply including, but not limited to the
topics listed below.

Send papers to Leslie R. Morris, Editor, The Journal of
Interlibrary Loan, Document Delivery & Information Supply,
Niagara University Library, Niagara University, NY 14109, USA.
Phone 716-286-8001. FAX 716-286-8030. EMAIL

*Interlibrary loan                 *Interlibrary loan costs
(Interlending) in countries        *Use studies
around the world                   *Turnaround times
*Document delivery systems,        *Interlibrary loan manuals and
prices, or evaluation              handbooks
*RLIN interlibrary loan            *Comparison of costs and speed
*OCLC interlibrary loan            of sending interlibrary
*Regional or state                 loans via first-class mail
interlibrary loan systems          instead of third class
*Local, state, or regional         *OCLC and RLIN procedures and
interlibrary loan statistics       tips
*Interlibrary loan software        *Protocols
*Docline                           *Internet
*Subject interlibrary loan         *Any other topic you can think
problems or procedures, i.         of
e., music interlibrary loan,
art interlibrary loan, health
science interlibrary loan
*Foreign interlibrary loan
*The United States as a source
of interlibrary loans to
other countries
*Local systems and
interlibrary loan
*Interlibrary loan charges
*The state of interlibrary
loan in countries
outside North America
interlibrary loan, customs
inspection, and charges
*School library interlibrary
loan schemes
*Academic library interlibrary
loan schemes
*Public Library interlibrary
loan schemes
*Internet, Bibnet, and other E-
mail systems
*History of interlibrary loan
*Access vs. ownership
*Resource sharing
*State-wide OPACS
*First class mail vs. third
class vs. UPS  vs FAX - costs
and speed
*Reports on local, state, and
regional interlibrary loan
*Information transfer
*Scholarly communication
*Bibliographic verification

Cindy Woodruff
Niagara University Library, Cataloging Dept.
Lewiston Road
Niagara University NY 14109-2200
Phone: 716-286-8015  Fax: 716-286-8030

Charles T. Dabkowski
Head of Acquisitions & Serials
Niagara University Library
Niagara University, NY 14109