Crisis vs. New Crisis (William Rafter) Stephen Clark 26 Oct 1998 21:39 UTC

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Date: Mon, 26 Oct 1998 14:53:49 -0500
From: William Rafter <wrafter@WVNVM.WVNET.EDU>
Subject: Crisis vs. New Crisis

We've been looking at Crisis (OCLC#1564450).  It indicates a title change
(to New Crisis OCLC#39358440) after Feb./Mar. 1996, however:

1) The record for Crisis indicates a cover title (New Crisis) from July
2) In addition there is a note on the record for Crisis about publication
being suspended from "winter of 1996 to the summer of 1997"

We believe from the issues we have in hand (not a complete run) that the
title Crisis did NOT change, but New Crisis is only a cover title and is
correctly placed in a 246 on Crisis and that the record for New Crisis
(OCLC#39328440) is unnecessary .  If someone could either verify that is
true (or not) we'd appreciate it.

William Rafter
Serials Cataloging Librarian
West Virginia University Libraries
PO Box 6069
Morgantown, WV 26506-6069
(304) 293-4060