Re: Professional Journals (Suzanne Buser)
Stephen Clark 26 Oct 1998 14:02 UTC
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Date: Fri, 23 Oct 1998 15:04:48 -0400
From: Cases <cases@EMH1.PA.NET>
Subject: Professional Journals (Lauren Corbett)
Lauren -- I suspect that you will get several different responses. Here
at Harrisburg Area Community College, a medium-sized community college, we
have faculty who know that students will use every shortcut imaginable to be
efficient. However,
they want students to be exposed to "scholarly" opinion, not just the
newsstand variety. So our faculty want students to use serials that have
article written by professionals in the field of study (refereed or
For students we talk to, we tell them to use a serial that looks a
certain way, borrowing the definition used by Elizabethtown College: one
that has a serious-looking cover, that has articles written by
professionals as defined by identifiable degrees, that has no ads, that
has references at the end. We remind them that the word "journal"
doesn't have to be in the title. That is our definition of "scholarly"
which we synonomize with "professional."
Suzanne Buser/HACC/Moving on to the millenium :)