Article: Free Internet Access to Traditional Journals (Rob Atkinson) ERCELAA@ctrvax.Vanderbilt.Edu 18 Sep 1998 20:46 UTC

Date: Fri, 18 Sep 1998 15:51:44 -0500
From: Rob Atkinson <atkinson@FNAL.GOV>
Subject: Article:  Free Internet Access to Traditional Journals

List readers:

FYI:  There is an interesting, well thought out article in the
September-October 1998 issue of American Scientist, v. 86 no. 5, with title
Free Internet Access to Traditional Journals, by Thomas J. Walker.  The
author gives a brief history of scholarly publishing vis costs including
the serials crisis beginning in the 1970s, the serials crisis Web-style,
and continues with an example of a working scheme for cheap digital
publishing and free access at a profit.  The piece is library oriented.  I
apologize if it has already been brought up here.
Available on-line at

Rob Atkinson
Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory