SLMQ Online and Knowledge Quest Steven Hofmann 04 Sep 1998 21:05 UTC

I just wanted to address some of the issues/questions raised on this list
about KNOWLEDGE QUEST and SLMQ ONLINE, both journals of the American
Association of School Librarians (AASL), a division of ALA.

When SLMQ ONLINE <> was in the planning
stages, a conscious decision was made to not completely divorce the
identity of the new e-journal from its print predecessor.  Let me just say
that AASL is aware of the discomfort caused by the difference between the
journal's name, School Library Media QUARTERLY Online, and its
non-quarterly publication schedule, and that this is an issue that will be
addressed by the editor, editorial board, and AASL board of directors as
they review the e-journal's first year of development.

KNOWLEDGE QUEST was and is considered by AASL an entirely new journal, not
a title change.  A comparison of the contents of KNOWLEDGE QUEST and the
defunct print version of SLMQ will support this.  Unfortunately, it did
not convince the U.S. Postal Service, which decided that because KNOWLEDGE
QUEST, as SLMQ before it, was the "Journal of the American Association of
School Librarians" and would be mailed using the same ALA permit, the new
journal *must* continue the volume numbering sequence of the defunct
journal.  This decision was made literally as the first issue of KNOWLEDGE
QUEST was going to press and required changing from "1" to "26" the volume
number appearing on each page during the final proofing stage.

As for the inoperable "Back Issues" link on the KNOWLEDGE QUEST Web pages
<>, I must take full
responsibility for that.  This has become one of those items on my "to do"
list that keeps getting displaced by other, more pressing projects.  I
promise to make an effort to get this link operational as soon as

Nonmember subscribers needing to claim undelivered issues of KNOWLEDGE
QUEST can contact Bob Hershman, 800-545-2433 ext.  5105; AASL members
needing to claim unreceived issues can contact ALA Membership Services at
800-545-2433 ext. 4299.

Thank you.

Steven Hofmann
Coordinator of Communications
American Association of School Librarians
a division of the American Library Association
50 E. Huron
Chicago, IL 60611-2795
800-545-2433 Ext. 4389
Fax:  312-664-7459

The mission of AASL is to advocate excellence, facilitate change, and
develop leaders in the school library media field.