Re: Is Binding necessary? Mitch Turitz 02 Sep 1998 15:59 UTC

Lesley Tweddle <Ltweddle@AUCEGYPT.EDU> wrote:
> Here at the American University in Cairo, Serials were instructed to cut
> back on binding about 5 years ago when our binders suddenly raised their
> prices.  Quite a few of our magazine-type subscriptions weren't bound
> anyway, since we held the back file in microform.

At San Francisco State University we are also cutting back on binding.
Mainly due to space concerns, we, like many others of you, discard the
paper when we receive the microform.  Additionally, we are now considering
putting certain bound volumes into storage (when we find a place to store
them) and accessing the backruns through online sources (JSTOR and others).
Our patrons are demanding that more and more of our materials be online (I
guess so that they won't have to come into the library ;-)

We will continue binding SOME titles but overall we are downsizing our

-- Mitch

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( ___ )-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-( ___ )
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 |   |     Mitch Turitz, Serials Librarian           |   |
 |   |     San Francisco State University Library    |   |
 |   |     Internet:                 |   |
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Don't sweat the petty things and don't pet the sweaty things.