Re: Instructor - Primary and Intermediate Carol Morse 27 Aug 1998 21:10 UTC

It was with great interest that we in the Serials Dept. examined the
Primary and Intermediated Editions of Instructor after reading the email
message.  The articles are mostly the same, certain features are
different, as to what pertains to the different age groups.  Personally, I
think they should have left it together.  I wonder how much of the
motivation was to make more money, especially from libraries who feel they
need to offer the best to their education majors?  Carol

Carol Morse                                    Phone: 509:527-2684
Serials Librarian                              Fax::  509) 527-2001
Walla Walla College Library            Email:
105 S.W. Adams St.
College Place, WA  99324-1195

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