"Quarterly" publications (was: Jrnl of Multicultural Social Work) Jan Lahmeyer 26 Aug 1998 06:42 UTC

Date: Wed, 26 Aug 1998 08:40:01 +0000
From: "Jan Lahmeyer" <J.Lahmeyer@library.uu.nl>
Subject: Re: Journal of Multicultural Social Work

In my view this publisher, Haworth Press (and not only that firm),
makes a habit of publishing four issues per volume on a so-called
"quarterly" basis, but the volumes are being stretched over more
than one year. So the meaning of "quarterly" in the English language
is not any more exclusively in use for something happening four times
a year, but the meaning is also extended to four issues per volume,
thanks to the world of publishers.


*  Jan J. Lahmeyer -  EML: seriecat@library.uu.nl
*  Unit Serial Publications - Cataloguing Section -  Dept. Cataloguing & Acquisition - Central Library Service
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Jeanette Skwor <SKWORJ@GBMS01.UWGB.EDU> wrote:
> Hooray for Steve Black and the  Neil Hellman Library!  Cofrin Library does
> not subscribe to the journal in question, but I hail the whole concept of
> holding publishers to their word.
> Someday when I have nothing to do, I will figure out the percentage of
> "quarterly" journals that publish four issues per volume.  Heck, I would
> even "hallelujah" their decision to combine the same ones on a consistent
> basis.
> Kudos, Steve,
> Jeanette Skwor
> Cofrin Library
> University of WI-Green Bay