CSISAC Programme Announcement, Toronto, Sept. 1998 Virginia Roy 21 Aug 1998 15:12 UTC

This announcement has been posted to multiple listservs, we apologize for
any duplication.  We also invite you to re-post this invitation to any
group that may be interested.

The Canadian Serials Industry Systems Advisory Committee (CSISAC)
kicks off a new year of thought provoking roundtable sessions


Are We Losing Our Past? - Archiving and Electronic Access

In embracing electronic access in the name of information equity and
efficiency, are we losing losing yesterday's (and potentially today's)
information?  Concerns about continued availability of journal
information, government documents and research not published in print
form are widespread.  Speakers at this free forum will address the issues
from a number of perspectives.  Questions and comments are welcome from
the audience


Carol McAdam, Association Director of Library Relations for JSTOR,
which archives back issues of electronic journals

Sue Medhurst, President of the Ontario Library and Information Technology
Association, currently involved in an initiative to ensure continued
availability of Ontario government documents published in e-format

Garren Wells, University Archivist, University of Toronto, with concerns
about preservation of information produced only in e-format.

Date:  Thursday September 24, 1998
Time:  9:30 - noon
Place: Toronto Reference Library, Beeton Auditorium
       789 Yonge Street ( just north of Bloor)
       (Use staff entrance to the left of the main doors)

CSISAC underwrites the cost of these roundtables so there is no cost to
attend. Advance registration is required.

To register contact Virginia Roy  -  royv@faxon.ca
                                     416-440-8900 (phone)
                                     416-440-0478 (fax)
NB We do not confirm registrations

Following the presentation we invite you to attend CSISAC's brief Annual
General Meeting. We continue to look for people who are interested in
helping to make CSISAC an ongoing success.  If you have enjoyed our
programmes in the past why not consider helping out with our 1998-1999

*  Virginia Roy MLS                                                     *
*  National Marketing Manager                      Tel: (416) 440-8900  *
*  Faxon Canada Ltd.                               Fax: (416) 440-0478  *
*  79 Brookdale Avenue                          E-mail: royv@faxon.ca   *
*  Toronto, ON M5N 1P2                             Web: www.faxon.ca    *
*  Canada                                                               *
*                            A DAWSON COMPANY                           *