Date: Tue, 11 Aug 1998 16:21:58 -0400 From: Pamela Bluh <pbluh@UMARYLAND.EDU> Subject: Cataloging Now! in Worcester (fwd) Subject: Cataloging Now! in Worcester Cataloging Now! An ALCTS Institute on the PCC Core Record September 18, 1998 Holy Cross College Worcester, Massachusetts Sponsored by the Association for Library Collections & Technical Services (ALCTS) and the Program for Cooperative Cataloging (PCC). Cosponsored by the Reference and User Services Association (RUSA), a division of the American Library Association, and NELINET. The Program for Cooperative Cataloging (PCC) has developed and is introducing new "core standards" as a means of increasing the pool of mutually acceptable records available for copy cataloging, so that catalogers can use their time and expertise for orginial cataloging. The goal is increased quality cataloging records, rich enough in content to be used with little or no local modification, yet reasonable enough to be generated in greater numbers. AUDIENCE Catalog Librarians, Catalog Department and Technical Service Administrators, and Public Service Librarians. OBJECTIVES To promote the values of the Program for Cooperative Cataloging and the rationale behind the core records standards. To learn about the bibliographic community's new initiatives for creating and maintaining quality cataloging that is both authoritative and cost effective. The presenters will introduce the concept of the core record in a plenary session, followed by separate breakout sessions for catalog librarians, administrators, and public services librarians in separate breakout sessions. Catalog librarians will discuss the principles of creating core records Administrators will be introduced to issues of management and training of catalogers in this new environment Public services librarians will consider the implications of core records available on OPACs. FACULTY Sally Sinn, National Agricultural Library Glenn Patton, OCLC Michael Kaplan, Director of Technical Services, Indiana University, Bloomington Joan Swanekamp, Chief Catalog Librarian, Yale University TENTATIVE PROGRAM OUTLINE PLENARY SESSION 9am-noon (including a break) "Cataloging Now: An Introduction to the Program for Cooperative Cataloging!" Topic: Program for Cooperative Cataloging--who, what, why. Objective: To introduce everyone to the Program and to the Core Standard LUNCH (Provided On-site) CONCURRENT BREAKOUT SESSIONS 1:30-3:30 For Catalog Librarians: "Demystifying core records in today's changing catalogs" Creating core records --When to go beyond core base --Trust in the decisions of others --Examples For Catalog Department and Technical Services Administrators: "The Changing Cataloging Culture: What do we mean when we talk about cataloger values?" --Recognizing the value of cataloging and catalog librarians --Hiring and training new catalog librarians including training and revision --Introducing the PCC and core record concepts to experienced catalog librarians --How to promote PCC values of timely access, quality cataloging, and trust in the decisions of others, as well as good judgment --Expectations of Catalog Librarians For Public Service Librarians: "Cataloging Today: What do Public Service Librarians Need to Know?" Current culture-go back to matching past and current --Traditional vs. contemporary --What constitutes a quality catalog record --OPAC implications of core records --Impact on reference service --Working effectively with catalog librarians BREAK 3:30-4:00 PLENARY SESSION 4:00-5:00 "Creating a culture of cooperation" A review of why the core record is a good solution and why it is needed. CONFERENCE SITE AND HOUSING The institute will be held at Holy Cross College, Worcester, Mass., about 50 miles west of Boston. Several airlines fly direct to Worcester, and there is bus service from Logan Airport in Boston. Directions to the college will be included with your registration confirmation. A list of local hotels, with approximate nightly single rates and phone numbers, will be made available to registrants. CANCELLATIONS Cancellation policy: NELINET and ALCTS reserve the right to cancel institutes, workshops, programs, and events if there is insufficient registration or for any other reason. NELINET and ALA and its divisions are not responsible for cancellation charges assessed by airlines or travel agencies, or other losses incurred due to cancellation of workshops, programs and events. Refund policy: Cancellations faxed or postmarked before September 9, 1998 will receive a refund (subject to a $35 processing fee). No cancellations will be accepted after September 9, 1998. All requests for refunds must be made in writing. This policy applies to all forms of payment. REGISTRATION INFORMATION Return registration form with payment to: NELINET Cataloging Now, ALA, 50 E. Huron Street, Chicago, IL 60611. Fax to 312/280-5033. Email to Yvonne A. McLean. Phone to 800/545-2433 ext. 5032. Note: If you are using your NELINET deposit account, mail or fax the completed form to Kenna Juliani, NELINET, Two Newton Executive Park, Newton, MA 02462; fax: 617/332-9634. Registrations will be accepted in order of receipt for up to the maximum of 125 people, and must be received by September 9, 1998. Cancellations will be accepted only until September 9, 1998 (subject to a $35 processing fee). Refunds will be processed after September 23, 1998. ALCTS reserves the right to cancel the program if there is insufficient registration or for other reasons. Neither NELINET, ALA nor any of its divisions is responsible for cancellation charges assessed by airlines or travel agencies, or other losses incurred due to cancellation of the program. Check, money order, purchase order, or credit card charge must accompany registration to reserve space at the program. Make checks payable to the American Library Association. (Staff of organizational members of RUSA, ALCTS, or ALA cannot be considered personal members.) Special Needs: If you have special physical, communication or dietary needs, please check the box on the registration form and attach a statement regarding your special need. We cannot ensure the availability of appropriate accommodations without notification of need by September 9, 1998. REGISTRATION FORM ALCTS Cataloging Now! (4521) September 18, 1998 Worcester, Massachusetts Indicate appropriate category: __ ALCTS, NELINET, or RUSA Member $135 __ ALA Member $185 __ Non-ALA Member $235 Payment Information: __ Check or Money Order __ Purchase Order __VISA __ Master Card __ American Express __ NELINET Deposit Account (Send to NELINET!) ________________________________________________/_________ Card number/ Expiration date __________________________________________________________ Signature (Required for all charges; signature NELINET Official Representative) Concurrent Breakout Sessions: Rank your choices (1 highest to 3 lowest). Registration will be processed in the order received. If space is not available, you will be given your next available choice. ___ Demystifying Core Records in Today's Changing Catalogs ___ The Changing Cataloging Culture: What Do We Mean When We Talk About Cataloger Values? ___ Cataloging Today: What Do Public Service Librarians Need to Know? __________________________________________________________ Name (Please print) __________________________________________________________ Title __________________________________________________________ Organization __________________________________________________________ Organization Address __________________________________________________________ City State Zip __________________________________________________________ Preferred Mailing Address __________________________________________________________ City State Zip __________________________________________________________ Telephone (Office) (Home) __________________________________________________________ E-mail Address (Please print) __________________________________________________________ Membership Number [ ] Special Needs. Please attach a statement regarding your special need by September 9, 1998.