Re: Cataloging ejournals (Sharon Wiles-Young) ERCELAA@ctrvax.Vanderbilt.Edu 10 Aug 1998 13:30 UTC

Date: Mon, 10 Aug 1998 09:17:23 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Re: Cataloging ejournals (Mary Ann Nesto)

Mary Ann,

 We have cataloged all our ejournals that we have subscribed to at this point
 in addition to the ejournal titles that collection development staff have
 identified. I think that providing access to these electronic journals should
 be discussed by all your librarians. How do you want to provide access and
 promote the use of these new ejournal titles. Here at Lehigh University we
 have been listing the individual titles on our web site and in our online
 catalog. The listing on the web site is becoming less useful as we add more
 and more titles; if you like to browse long lists then this method of access
 will work but I wonder how useful it will be as we add 500-1000 titles at a
 time! One can search and browse these titles in our online catalog.

 In order to promote all our ejournal titles and to provide adequate access,
 the librarians agreed that these titles need to be included in our online
 system. One must also think of products such as Uncover because you may
 output your online holdings to such products and you may want your ejournal
 holdings reflected there especially if you are going to block users from
 ordering articles that are subscribed to by your library.

 I wish I knew how many people are accessing our ejournals from the catalog
 vs. the library web page. I wonder if anyone has tried gathering any
 statistics along these lines? Maybe I should check with our systems people
 to see if we can identify and quantify access methods to the ejournals?
 Good luck.

*Sharon Wiles-Young*
Team Leader, Information Organization     Internet:SLW0@LEHIGH.EDU
Lehigh University                         Phone: (610) 758-3046
Linderman Library                         Fax:   (610) 758-5605
30 Library Drive
Bethlehem, PA 18015