Re: Classifying bound periodicals (2 messages)
Birdie MacLennan 28 Aug 1998 21:47 UTC
2 messages, 65 lines:
Date: Fri, 28 Aug 1998 15:32:35 -0400
From: Jeannette Ward <jaward@MAIL.UCF.EDU>
Subject: Re: Classifying bound periodicals
Classing the bound periodicals allows title changes to be shelved
together. On the alphabetical labels on our current shelves we include
the call number (and location if in microformat), so patrons can go from
the current issue(s) by title right to the call number section without
needing to go to the catalog.
Jeannette Ward
Serials/Media Department Head
University of Central Florida
P.O. Box 162440
Orlando, FL 32816-2440
(407) 823-2575
(407) 823-6289 (fax)
Date: Fri, 28 Aug 1998 16:55:14 -0400
From: Judith Hopkins <ulcjh@ACSU.BUFFALO.EDU>
Subject: Re: Classifying bound periodicals
Several years ago the General Libraries of the State University of
New York at Buffalo made this switch (about 12,000 current subscriptions).
We classed our bound periodicals (but shelved them in a separate
PERiodicals section of the stacks, apart from the classed sequence used
for monographs). The current issues are arranged alphabetically, but
part of the shelf-label for each title is the call number of the bound
volumes for that title. This enables browsers to go directly from a
current issue to the bound volumes without having to check the opac to
determine the call number.
Judith Hopkins Phone: 716 645-2796
Central Technical Services FAX: 716 645-5955
University at Buffalo E-mail:
Buffalo, NY 14260-2200
The views expressed are my own and not those of UB or its Libraries
On Fri, 28 Aug 1998, Bill Warren wrote:
> We are considering classing our bound periodicals (which are now shelved
> alphabetically), and leaving our current periodicals in alphabetical order.
> We have about 2,000 current subscriptions. We would be interested in the
> experiences of libraries with alphabetical current and classed bound
> collections: any problems this arrangement causes for users or staff, and/or
> advantages for either group. We thank in advance anyone who might respond.
> Bill Warren
> Middlebury College Library
> Middlebury, Vermont USA