serial routing frustration (Jacqueline Snider) Marcia Tuttle 10 Jul 1998 20:47 UTC

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Date: Fri, 10 Jul 1998 15:24:40 CST
From: Jacqueline Snider <Snider@ACT.ORG>
Subject: serial routing frustration

  Hello all,

  Once again I take to this list for advice.  We are working on the age old
  problem of serial routing.  I suspect that some libraries--we are a
  corporate library--still route their journals to staff.  We are faced
  with hoarding issues, slowness of response, no response to specific
  requests, and finally loss of issues.  Does anyone have a creative way of
  dealing with routing?  Serial routing improvement is part of my
  Division's objectives for FY99, so I'm planning.  I will put yet another
  reminder in our company's newsletter.  By the way, we have 600 serial
  titles, and 1200 employees although not every employee sees every
  journal!  But a lot do pass through our hands.  I am starting to
  pursue the possibility of electronic tables of contents routing, so
  your experiences, opinions, etc. are appreciated.  Thank you.

  Jacqueline Snider
  ACT Library