Re: Cambray: looking for info on this vendor (Mary Ertl) Marcia Tuttle 09 Jul 1998 16:08 UTC

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Thu, 9 Jul 1998 09:34:05 -0400
From: Mary Ertl <mary-ertl@UIOWA.EDU>
Subject: Re: Cambray: looking for info on this vendor (Kim Maxwell)

Kim -

I don't know whether this will work, but Cambray did respond to our survey
for our web page of Foreign Law Vendors.  The address they gave is only
slightly different from the one below, but the phone and fax were
different. We have not actually used them, though.

This is what they gave us:

R Cambray & Co Private Ltd
Kent House
P33 Mission Row Extension
Calcutta 700013

Telephone Number: 91 33 267680; 91 33 27970 Fax Number: 91 33 267680

By the way, the web page is at:
and Acqweb has a link to it.

Hope this helps.  Good luck!

At 09:08 AM 7/9/98 -0400, you wrote:
>---------- Forwarded message ----------
>Date: Wed, 8 Jul 1998 16:54:10 -0400
>From: Kim Maxwell <kmaxwell@MIT.EDU>
>Subject: Cambray: looking for info on this vendor
>I'm having trouble receiving a title we order from a vendor in India.  The
>most complete information I have on the vendor is this:
>Kent House
>P33 Mission House Extension
>Calcutta A-700 013
>phone 011-91-33-29-5567
>fax   011-91-33-249-2096
>We haven't received any invoices from them in over a year and a half (we do
>have several other subscriptions with them as well).  Their fax number
>always seems to be busy.  They are not listed anywhere on the ACQWEB
>website. ALA's International Subscription Agents (6th edition, 1994) doesn't
>list them, though the 1986 edition does.  ALCTS's "Book and Serial Vendors
>for Asia and the Pacific: Results of a Survey of ARL Libraries" does list
>them, but with no more information than what I have above (see
>Is anyone using this vendor, and can you give me some more information about
>Kim Maxwell
>Assistant Librarian for Serials Acquisitions
>MIT Libraries, Room 14E-210
>77 Massachusetts Avenue
>Cambridge, MA 02139-4307
>phone: 617-253-7028
>fax:   617-253-2464

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Mary Ertl
Acquisitions Librarian
University of Iowa Law Library
224 Boyd Law Bldg
Iowa City  IA  52242-1166

319/335-9041   FAX 319/335-9039