Recent Ornithological Literature (ROL), web site (fwd) Birdie MacLennan 02 Jul 1998 20:40 UTC

If others have tried and failed to access the web site for Recent
Ornithological Literature, which was posted in Peter Stettenheim's July 1
message to SERIALST, you may be interested in knowing that this web site
will not be ready for a few more weeks.  I'm appending some additional
information, below.

        Birdie MacLennan
        Coordinator, Serials & Cataloging
        University of Vermont

----------- Forwarded message -------------
Date: Thu, 02 Jul 1998 10:18:12 -0400
To: Birdie MacLennan <>
From: Peter Stettenheim <>
Subject: Recent Ornithological Literature

Birdie MacLennan

Your attempt to reach our new web site failed probably because the
site isn't ready yet. The people who are working on it hope to have it
ready by August, possibly by late July. There's not another address. I
distributed the announcement at this time to forestall questions from
librarians about supposedly missing issues and to direct users to our new

If you go to:
you'll land on the home page for the Ornithological Council. This is
linked to pages for several ornithological societies and other
information about ornithology, though not specifically about

Peter Stettenheim
Coordinating Editor
Recent Ornithological Literature
168 Croydon Turnpike
Plainfield, NH 03781-5403