Digital Object Identifiers session at ALA (Lloyd Davidson) Stephen Clark 17 Jun 1998 20:50 UTC

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Date: Wed, 17 Jun 1998 10:31:16 -0500
From: Lloyd Davidson <Ldavids@NWU.EDU>
Subject: Digital Object Identifiers session at ALA

  Digital Object Identifiers (DOIs): Impacts, Costs and Concerns
                    Introduced and moderated by
              Kimberly Douglas <>
    Director, Sherman Fairchild Library and Technical Information Services
                California Institute of Technology

  Program and Business Meeting, RENW (Renaissance Washington) Ren West A and B
              Sunday, June 28, 1998, 2:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.

            Sponsored by: Electronic Publishing/Electronic Journals
                       LITA Special Interest Group

Overview of session:
The Digital Object Identifier (DOI) system is currently in development and
production for providing a reliable standardized mechanism for identifying,
locating, and accessing digital information. Major publishers, particularly
those in STM fields, have adopted the DOI system by joining the
International DOI Foundation (, an organization founded
at the initiative of the AAP. The DOI system not only provides a unique
identification for content, but also a way of linking users of the
materials to the rights holders in order to facilitate automated digital
commerce. This session will review the status of policy, technical and
business plan issues for robust and persistent implementation of this
identifier system. The degree to which this implementation has responded to
needs raised by librarians and library-representing organizations will also
be covered.

Bill Rosenblatt <>
Market Development Manager, Media & Publishing
Sun Microsystems
To address: General description of the genesis of and current DOI system
structure focusing on intelligence, affordance, length, integration of
metadata and how the DOI relates to copyright management technologies being
considered by publishers and other information providers.

Norman Paskin <>
The International DOI Foundation
To address: Governance and business plan of the IDF including costs, formal
and informal relationships with other information organizations and
clarification of allowed degrees of experimentation.

Albert Simmonds <>
Director, Standards/Development
R.R. Bowker
To address: System maintenance issues from the point-of-view of the
Agency/System Manager including context of various standards initiatives
linked to DOI, both in the information industry and in other industries
dealing with intellectual property.

Priscilla Caplan <>
Assistant Director for Library Systems
University of Chicago Library
To address: Status and membership of working groups and committees
regarding development of standards for DOI syntax, metadata, and resolver

Dale Flecker <>
Associate Director for Planning and Systems, Harvard University Library
and Chair, Technical Architecture Committee, Digital Library Foundation
To address: Library-oriented identifier requirements for the DOI to achieve
persistence and facilitate unencumbered access.
Organized by Lloyd Davidson
Life Sciences Librarian, Head, Access Services and Kaplan Humanities Fellow
Northwestern University, Mudd Library for Science and Engineering

         Useful URLs for understanding digital object identifiers

                        June 1998 Update:

Articles about DOIs (in reverse chronological order):
Davidson, Lloyd and Kimberly Douglas. "Digital Object Identifiers and their
Role in the Implementation of Electronic Publishing," a paper presented at
the Socioeconomic Dimensions of Electronic Publishing Workshop held in
cooperation with the 1998 IEEE International Conference on Advances in
Digital Libraries (ADL '98), April 23-25, 1998 in Santa Barbara, California.
Gladney, Henry M. "Safeguarding Digital Library Contents and Users: A Note
on Universal Unique Identifiers." D-Lib Magazine. April 1998.
Bernstein, Paula. "DOI: A New Identifier for Digital Content". Searcher:
The Magazine for Database Professionals, Volume 6, Number 1, January 1998.
Bide, Mark. "In Search of the Unicorn: The Digital Object Identifier From a
User Perspective". BNBRF Report 89, Book Industry Communication, February
Rosenblatt, Bill. "Solving the Dilemma of Copyright Protection Online". The
Journal of Electronic Publishing, Volume 3, Issue 2, December 1997.
Arms, William A. "Digital Object Identifiers (DOIs) and Clifford Lynch's
five questions on identifiers". ARL: A Bimonthly Newsletter of Research
Library Issues and Actions 194 (October 1997). Washington, DC: Association
of Research Libraries.
Lynch, Clifford. "Identifiers and Their Roles In Networked Information
Applications".  ARL: A Bimonthly Newsletter of Research Library Issues and
Actions 194 (October 1997). Washington, DC: Association of Research
Paskin, Norman. "Information Identifiers".  Originally published in LEARNED
PUBLISHING, Vol 10, No. 2, pp 135-156 (April 1997).
Powell, Andy. "Unique Identifiers in a Digital World". Ariadne, April 1997.
Arms, William A. "An Architecture for Information in Digital Libraries".
D-Lib Magazine, February 1997.

Publisher Demonstrations and Explanations of their work with DOIs:
The official page of the International DOI Foundation provides links to
membership information, explanation of the DOI system and a Gallery
illustrating different publisher's implementations of the DOI.
Academic Press explanation and demonstration of its work with Dos
particularly linking of cited references with articles published in Wiley
Wiley's DOI server provides a response page for all 70,000+ registered
identifiers. This page has links to show case collaborative projects with
Academic Press and the National Library of Medicine.
Springer-Verlag recently implemented DOIs as part of its Online-First
service to make articles available electronically as they are published.
This site is for the Author's Licensing and Collecting Society (ALCS) which
has linked the DOI system to a text numbering scheme and embedded the DOI
in a text watermark using a system developed by the IMPRIMATUR project.
This is done to identify any illegal use of the text.