Bioconsumer review - Subscription information needed ong hong kiat 29 Jun 1998 02:54 UTC

Hi all,

I've been asked for subscriber information (personal as well as
institutional) for "Bioconsumer review". I've checked ULRICH & EBSCO
serials directories, the WEB - yahoo, lycos search, online catalogs,
document delivery sites, etc. but to no avail. I begin to wonder if
the title exists at all or as a section in some journal.

Any clue/information is appreciated.  Thank you.
ONG Hong Kiat (Miss)           Medical Library
Assistant Librarian I          National University of Singapore
                               Lower Kent Ridge Road
                               Singapore 119260
Fax: (65) 778-6084             Singapore
Tel: (65) 874-2046 or 874-2500