CSU Electronic Core Collection (ECC) (2 messages) Stephen Clark 02 Jun 1998 16:28 UTC

2 messages:

Date:         Tue, 2 Jun 1998 08:18:32 -0700
From:         Mary Grenci <mgrenci@DARKWING.UOREGON.EDU>
Subject:      Re: CSU Electronic Core Collection (ECC) (Mitch Turitz)

>   The question has come up about being able to retrieve the ECC
> (Electronic Core Collection) titles through our OPAC.
> I was thinking of adding a series statement/field for "CSU Electronic
> Core Collection" to the bib record, although that is not the official
> name of the collection

In my opinion, this kind of entry (even in a series statement) is perfect
for your local catalog. I wouldn't want to see it in OCLC because it would
require local editing of the record for everyone else. Adding it to your
own record, even if it *only* serves to save staff time (something all of
us need to be concerned about in these lean times), makes a lot of sense
to me.


Mary Grenci
Serials Catalog Librarian
Knight Library
1299 University of Oregon
Eugene, OR 97403-1299

Phone: 541-346-5607
Fax:   541-346-3485

Date:         Tue, 2 Jun 1998 11:54:19 EDT
From:         Michael Borries <MSBBH@CUNYVM.CUNY.EDU>
Subject:      Re: CSU Electronic Core Collection (ECC) (Mitch Turitz)

I understand the desire to use this solution, but it could prove to be a
disaster.  Here at CUNY two of the colleges used series statements for
local collections.  Then other colleges used records containing the "series"
statements.  You wouldn't believe how many colleges have the same collections
as the first two.  Since these series statements are not in a purely local
field, like a 590, it's easy for copy catalogers to overlook them.  You
might try a 690 field (local subject) -- I know its not really a subject,
but it's not really a title either.  More like a location.

Michael S. Borries
Cataloger, City University of New York
555 West 57th Street, 16th Floor
New York, NY  10019
(212) 541-0376

>---------- Forwarded message ----------
>Date: Mon, 1 Jun 1998 10:28:53 -0700
>From: Mitch Turitz <turitz@SFSU.EDU>
>Subject: CSU Electronic Core Collection (ECC)
>  I have both a cataloging and acquisitions question for you all:
>  The question has come up about being able to retrieve the ECC
>(Electronic Core Collection) titles through our OPAC.  These are titles
>that the California State University system has ordered for all its
>campuses. Titles include: Stat-USA, Britannica Online, Lexis-Nexis, etc.
>was thinking of adding a series statement/field for "CSU Electronic Core
>Collection" to the bib record, although that is not the official name of
>the collection, it is descriptive (I can also just call the series
>"Electronic Core Collection" and make a series authority record with
>x-refs from ECC and "CSU Electronic Core Collection.")
>   I was wondering if anyone else has considered doing this?  The only
>disadvantage I can see to this is that it is not a "true" series because
>it does not come from the publisher as a part of this series.  However,
>reality, our Standing Orders person would find it much easier to deal
>these items.   It is my opinion that serials cataloging is partly to
>accomodate those unsung heroes in technical services who have to process
>these materials.
>  All responses, opinions, welcome.