Electronic publishing article (Crystal Graham) Marcia Tuttle 27 May 1998 15:49 UTC

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Date: Wed, 27 May 1998 08:36:56 -0700
From: Crystal Graham <cgraham@GORT.UCSD.EDU>
Subject: Electronic publishing article

There is an exceptionally interesting article about electronic publishing,
"Electronic publishing takes journals into a new realm" by Sophie L.
Wilkinson in the May 18, 1998 issue of Chemical & Engineering News, pp.
10-18.  For those with a subscription to the electronic version of C&EN,
there reportedly is an online version at http://acsinfo.acs.org/cen/
Click on "Hot articles from Chemical & engineering news."

The article naturally emphasizes science and technology publishing, but
it quotes extensively from the April 1998 Socioeconomic Dimensions of
Electronic Publishing Workshop held in Santa Barbara, where librarians
were well-represented.  Among the topics covered are publisher value,
copyright, archiving, peer review, use statistics, plus a webliography.

Since this magazine is not likely to be on the reading lists of most
serials librarians, I thought it was worthwhile to bring it to your

Crystal Graham
Digital Information & Serials Cataloging Section  Head
University of California, San Diego