New Periodicals Librarian Seeking... (2 messages) Marcia Tuttle 22 May 1998 19:44 UTC

>From Fri May 22 15:41:30 1998
Date: Fri, 22 May 1998 14:54:05 -0400
From: Linda Orr <>
Subject: Re: New Periodicals Librarian seeking vendor info. (Kris Nandory)

I simply must state the other side of this.  Any problems we had
were ignored by Ebsco.  They acted offended when we called with a
problem, and drug their feet in taking care of *anything* for us.  I
think it may depend on what size library you are.  As a small
library, we have been much happier with the service we get from W.T.

Linda Orr
Tech Services Librarian
Transylvania University
Lexington, KY

> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> Date: Fri, 22 May 1998 10:34:01 EDT
> From: "Nandory, Kris" <KNANDORY@LHL.GUNDLUTH.ORG>
> Subject: Re: New Periodicals Librarian seeking vendor info. (Anne Stoval
> I wholeheartedly  recommend Ebsco Subscription Services as a vendor.
> They are wonderful! They handle EVERYTHING !  Never again will you have
> to deal with publishers!!!
> If you have further questions, I'd be glad to talk to you.  Call or email
> anytime!
> Kris Nandory
> Health Sciences Library
> Gundersen Lutheran Medical Center
> 1910 South Ave.
> La Crosse, WI  54601
> Ph 608/791-5415, Fax 608/791-6343

>From bbutler@VMS1.CC.UOP.EDU Fri May 22 15:41:30 1998
Date: Fri, 22 May 1998 15:01:47 -0400
From: Beverly Butler <bbutler@VMS1.CC.UOP.EDU>
Subject: Re: New Periodicals Librarian seeking vendor info. (Anne Stovall)

Hi Anne--

I also was surprised to go through this hassle when I first started in
serials.  To make a long story short, I found I really had to put my foot
down, make a lot of noise and go over some heads with our vendor.  The
result has been that now we have excellent service--when I ask for a
follow up on a claim or for the status of an issue, I have an answer
within a week.  We use Faxon as our primary vendor, and they have assigned
us our own rep now.

Don't accept less than excellent service.  If you pay a vendor to do a
job, require them to do it.  It may take a huge chunk of time in the
beginning, but the investment is well worth the results.  We also use Hein
and ILIBS on a smaller scale and have had the same experience.  You get
what you demand.

With Faxon, we especially like the availability of our rep by email or by
phone.  I also like the accessibility of the rest of the staff.  They
carry a good variety of legal materials.
Beverly Butler
McGeorge School of Law Library
3282 - 5th Avenue
Sacramento, CA  95817

"Between stimulus and response is the space for individual choice."