NASIG 1999 Conference - Call for papers (Judy Johnston) Marcia Tuttle 19 May 1998 21:37 UTC

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Date: Tue, 19 May 1998 16:31:53 -0500
Subject: NASIG 1999 Conference - Call for papers

(Also posted to other lists; please excuse duplication.)

                   (June 10-13, 1999)
   "From Carnegie to Internet II: Forging the Serials Future"

     The North American Serials Interest Group (NASIG) has
tentatively scheduled its 14th Annual Conference, June
10-13, 1999, at Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh,
Pennsylvania, a river city of glistening skyscrapers nestled
among lush green hills. NASIG's annual conference provides
a forum for librarians, publishers, vendors, educators,
binders, systems developers, and others in the serials
information chain to exchange views, present new ideas,
proactively seek solutions to common problems, and discuss
matters of current interest. The conference proceedings are
published in both print and electronic formats, with the
electronic version made available to NASIG members on

     Founded at the beginning of this century by Andrew
Carnegie, Carnegie Mellon University is internationally
renowned as a center of technological innovation. Also, its
proximity to the convergence of mighty rivers in downtown
Pittsburgh make it an ideal setting for a conference program
focused on reflections about the past century combined with
views toward the future of serials. NASIG invites anyone in
the information community to submit proposals and to
suggest topics and speakers.  NASIG's Program Planning
Committee welcomes proposals for plenary papers and
preconferences that look to the future of serials as well as
those that contemplate the strides we have made during the
last century. We are interested in presentations that will
examine the reflective, visionary and practical aspects of the
serials information chain, that analyze emerging trends in
light of past and present practices. Sessions which offer
relevant research or which cause us to "think outside our
box" as well as proposals which address decision making
processes are welcomed.

     Some examples include, but are not limited to:
     * impact of Internet II;
     *emerging standards for bibliographic access (public and
technical aspects) in the 21st century;
      *metadata projects, XML;
     *tracking electronic products and services from
aggregators and publishers to librarians;
      *models of scholarly communication (pricing, access,
     *foundations of serials in the next century;
      *life beyond the Web;
     *licensing issues;
     *ethical concerns for networked information;
      *impact of secondary publishers;
     *preservation and archival concerns of print and non-print
     *redefining the nature of serials.

     The Committee also invites workshop proposals that will
provide practical information and spark interest in unique and
innovative ideas to help serialists make informed decisions
and consider new options in their workplaces. Workshops
provide a collegial setting to facilitate related discussion with
those in attendance, as presenters explain how they manage
specific processes in their own settings.

      Some examples include but are not limited to:
     * impact of system conversions on serialists;
     *bibliographic formats, holdings, and standards;
     *standardization and customization issues;
     *evaluating and/or organizing Web sources for patrons
and librarians;
     *creating Web-based resource collections;
     *invoicing options;
     *managing work in changing public and/or technical
services for a particular library environment;
     *communicating changes and services to libraries,
especially for e-journals;
     *collection management trends;
     *government documents issues;
     *trends for evaluating e-journals and other electronic
     *innovative resource sharing in public/academic libraries.

     The Program Planning Committee reserves the right to
combine, blend, or refocus proposals to maximize program
breadth and relevance to our membership.  As a result, not
all presenters from proposals submitted by teams may be
invited to participate.  For optimal consideration in the
competitive review process, please include complete
information as follows:

        1) Name, address, telephone/fax numbers, and
e-address of  the proposer(s)
        2) Program title
        3) Abstract (200-300 words) clearly explaining the
proposal and, if appropriate, its relevance to the theme
        4) Prioritized preference for the proposal: plenary,
workshop or preconference

      DEADLINE:  August 1, 1998
        Submit proposals preferably via e-mail to:
         Meg Mering , NASIG Secretary, University of Nebraska
Libraries, Love Library, 209N, Lincoln     NE 68588-0410.
Phone: 402-472-2517; fax: 402-472-5131; email: