E-Journals (2 messages) Marcia Tuttle 14 May 1998 15:04 UTC

>From swen@FGCU.EDU Thu May 14 11:01:48 1998
Date: Thu, 14 May 1998 09:24:23 -0400
From: "Wen, Shixing" <swen@FGCU.EDU>
Subject: Re: E-journals (Sonia Wilson)

I've seen the URL address on some journals. Some URLs are for the publisher,
some for a related site, but some are THE URL for the e-version. Wheneve we
see there is a URL for the e-version or a relevant site, we'll add a 856 in
the bib reocrd in our local database. If an e-version requires a username
and password, we'll contact the publisher to get one.

Sometimes, the publisher will inform us that there is an e-version and we
can use for free as a subscriber to the print version, like the Harvard
Educational Review.

Shixing Wen
Florida Gulf Coast University

> Date: Thu, 14 May 1998 09:44:44 +0100
> From: Sonia Wilson <s.r.wilson@STIR.AC.UK>
> Subject: E-journals
> Forgive my lack of experience but I'm new to the serials game (although
> I wonder for how long I'm allowed to use this excuse)!
> Is there an easy way of finding out if a journal title has an electronic
> version?
> Thanks in advance
> Sonia


>From lvillier@pasiphae.penlib.du.edu Thu May 14 11:01:48 1998
Date: Thu, 14 May 1998 07:55:42 -0700
From: Lisa Villiere <lvillier@pasiphae.penlib.du.edu>
Subject: Re: E-journals (Sonia Wilson)

     We use Ebsco as our subscription vendor, and they just printed
us a report from our main invoice that lists all the titles that have
an electronic version.  I've heard that Faxon also offers this

Lisa Villiere                     lvillier@du.edu
Serials Department Supervisor
University of Denver Library
PO Box 100600
Denver CO 80250