Re: CD-ROMs as computer files or serials Judith Hopkins 11 May 1998 16:17 UTC

You might to check out the guidelines that OCLC provided even if you are
not a member of OCLC.   Cf.

Judith Hopkins                          Phone:  716 645-2796
Central Technical Services              FAX:    716 645-5955
University at Buffalo                   E-mail:
Buffalo, NY  14260-2200   

    The views expressed are my own and not those of UB or its Libraries

On Mon, 11 May 1998, Yves MAGIS wrote:

> Hi dear Serialisters
> I think the problem has already been discussed but I have a question
> regarding CD-ROM published like serials (or books).  In fact, now that we
> migrated to Sirsi, we are considering all the cd-roms purchased, received
> and given. We are going to catalog this medium in a better way than we did
> before (like a retrospective catalog).  Some cd-roms supersede the print
> serials we have and others not.  All cd-roms published with a frequency
> (quarterly, annual, ...) are in fact serials.  How are you treating these
> cd-roms ? Do you consider them as cd-roms (COM - Computer file format) or
> as serials (SER- Serials format) ? First, are you treating the medium and
> then the seriality or inversely the serial and then the medium ?  I think
> that first is the medium and then the seriality ?  As we download notices
> from from OCLC, LC, we apply AACR2, LCRI, USFormats, ... we'd like to hear
> from you what is your practice in your library.  Any suggestions will very
> helpful.  Thank you very much.  Yves Magis
> Magis Yves
> Serials librarian
> Free University of Brussels
> e-mail: