Bi-Mode Toner QH (Valerie Mickelberg) ERCELAA@ctrvax.Vanderbilt.Edu 14 Apr 1998 15:26 UTC

Date: Tue, 14 Apr 1998 12:09:57 -0300
From: Valerie Mickelberg <mickel@IS.DAL.CA>
Subject: Bi-Mode Toner QH

Hello fellow Serialists:

        We are in desperate need of microfilm reader-printer bi-mode toner
QH.   Our supply is at its end and I am hoping someone out there has some
they would like to get rid of.      It is for our Bell & Howell machine
model  1635F.   If anyone knows of a supplier of this liquid toner  please
let me know.

        Thank you.

Ms. Valerie Mickelberg
Asst. Head of Serials Unit
Dalhouse University Libraries (Killam)
Halifax, NS   B3H 4H8
Phone:  (902) 494-3637
        (902) 494-3649
Fax     (902) 494-2062

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