Re: Correcting authority records on OCLC Judith Hopkins 10 Apr 1998 21:25 UTC

Christina and others
   If you believe that a particular name, uniform title, or subject
authority record needs to be corrected the appropriate LC office to
contact is the Cataloging Policy and Support Office (CPSO).  The easiest
way is to send an e-mail message to CPSO@LOC.GOV in which you identify the
record in question, describe the change you believe should be made and
cite your authority.  If you can cut and paste the record and your
evidence in the message, all the better.

   From my experience they respond very quickly.

   If for any reason e-mail is not appropriate (e.g., you want to include
photocopies in support of your proposed change) you can mail your request
to Catalog Policy and Support Office
   Library of Congress
   Washington, D.C.  20540

Judith Hopkins                          Phone:  716 645-2796
Central Technical Services              FAX:    716 645-5955
University at Buffalo                   E-mail:
Buffalo, NY  14260-2200   

    The views expressed are my own and not those of the University or the
University Libraries.

On Fri, 10 Apr 1998, McCawley, Christina wrote:

> Could someone let me know what the proper procedure is for getting
> corrections made to authority records on OCLC?  Is there someone to call
> at LC, or a particular form to fill out?  Thanks.  I realize that this
> question is broader than just Serials, but it does come up occasionally
> in serials cataloging, too.
> Christina McCawley
> West Chester University
> West Chester, PA 19383