Re: Selecting Bib Records Victoria Swinney - Instr. Library 10 Apr 1998 13:53 UTC

We set up a criteria for choosing monographic or serials cataloging a few
years ago.  It works like this:

All circulating items are handled by monographic cataloging, and are on
monographic records if they are available.

Reference items which are regularly updated, or are likely to be
occasionally updated which have serial records in OCLC are handled by
serials cataloging.

We set up this system to save time.  If an item can be cataloged once, and
then have holdings records altered for new volumes, considerable time and
effort can be saved.

     /\  /\       Victoria K. Swinney
 /\ /  \/  \      Serials/Reference/Bibliographic Instruction Librarian
/  /   /    \
Cameron University     2800 W. Gore Blvd.    voice:   (580) 581-2960
Library                Lawton, OK 73505      fax:     (580) 581-2386
********** This is the day which the LORD hath made; we will **********
************** rejoice and be glad in it. (Psalm 118:24) **************