Re: Selecting Bib Records
Belinda Chiang 08 Apr 1998 21:13 UTC
When monographs in a series are received on standing order,e.g.
Spec kit, etc. Acquistions needs a collective serial record
for payment and recording of volumes received. We also catalog
the individual volumes separately to faciliate retrieval (e.g.
the title: Acquistions policies in ARL libraries has its own
monographic bibliographic record). In the OPAC, the collective
serial record will show all the volumes received and a note:
For more info. search author or title of individual volumes.
We have chosen not to suppress the collective serial record since
it provides fast access to vol. and no. which is not provided
by the alphabetical title arrangement when searching under title
spec kit. If one must make a choice for a monographic series
with a collective serial record and with individual monographic
records, it would be better to have individual monographic records
for user retrieval purposes especially if they are DLC records.