Electronic Serials Institute Beverley Geer 07 Apr 1998 14:13 UTC




Librarians from all types and sizes of libraries need the practical skills
to handle electronic serials as well as the conceptual understanding of
the theoretical implications of this rapidly changing format.

The Serials Section of the Association for Library Collections & Technical
Services (ALCTS) presents Through the Arch: Electronic Serials from
Acquisition to Access, an institute designed to meet these needs, on April
24-25, 1998, at the Regal Riverfront Hotel in St. Louis, MO. The institute
begins at midday on Friday, April 24, and continues all day on Saturday,
April 25. It is cosponsored by the Missouri Library Network Corporation.

The keynote presentation, focused breakout sessions, and a panel
discussion will address both the theoretical and the practical aspects of
electronic serials.

Friedemann Weigel (Managing Partner, Information Systems Director,
Harrassowitz, Germany)

Sharon Cline McKay (Electronic Sales Manager, Blackwell's Information Services)

George Machovec (Technical Director, Colorado Alliance of Research Libraries)

James Mouw (Head of Serials, Univ. of Chicago)

Jack Montgomery (Technical Services and Collection Management Librarian, Univ.
of Missouri Law School)

Norma Fair (Catalog Librarian, Univ. of Missouri)

Beverley Geer (Head Cataloger, Trinity Univ., San Antonio)

Mary Harrison (Education Psychology Librarian, Southern Illinois Univ.)

Karen Croneis (Head of Departmental Libraries, Washington Univ., St. Louis)

Shirley Baker (Vice Chancellor for Information Technology and Dean of
University Libraries, Washington Univ., St. Louis)

The institute will be held at the Regal Riverfront Hotel, 200 South 4th
St., St. Louis, MO. Rooms at a special conference rate of $109.00 are
being held for institute registrants until the deadline of March 23, 1998.
Please call the hotel directly for your reservation, mentioning the ALCTS
Electronic Serials Institute. The phone number is 314-241-9500.

Registration fees are $185 for ALCTS members, $235 for ALA members, and
$285 for non-members. To register, complete the attached registration form
and mail it with payment, purchase order, or credit card information to
the ALCTS office. The completed form may also be faxed (with purchase
order or credit card payment information only). Telephone registrations
are also accepted.  Registration will be accepted in order of receipt for
up to the maximum of 100 people, and must be received, faxed, or
telephoned by April 10, 1998.  Cancellations will be accepted only until
April 10, 1998 (subject to a $25 processing fee). ALCTS reserves the right
to cancel the program if there is insufficient registration or for other
reasons. Refunds will be processed after April 30, 1998. Neither ALA nor
ALCTS is responsible for cancellation charges assessed by airlines or
travel agencies, or other losses incurred due to cancellation of the

Contact Karen L. Whittlesey at kwhittlesey@ala.org (or phone 800-545-2433
ext. 5034) for information. To register contact Yvonne A. McLean at
ymclean@ala.org or 800-545-2433 ext. 5032.


Friday, April  24, 1998

     12:15-1:00 pm     Registration

     1:00-1:15 pm      Expectations and Revelations: Welcome and
                          Introductions -- Lamborn and Geer

     1:15-2:30 pm      Electronic Serials into the Millennium:
                          Destruction, Change and Opportunities -- Weigel

     2:30-3:00 pm      Networking Break

     3:00-4:30 pm      Concurrent Breakout Session I

                          The Acquisition of Electronic Serials: State of the
                          Art. Where are We and Where are We Going? -- Mouw
                          and -- Montgomery

                          Access to Digital Resources: Theory and Application
                          for the Next Generation Catalogers -- Geer and Fair

                          Training: Helping Staff and Users Make the
                          Transition to the Electronic Journal Environment
                          -- Croneis and Harrison

Saturday, April  25, 1998

     8:30-9:15 am      Registration and Continental Breakfast

     9:15-10:15 am     Management and Technical Considerations for Acquiring
                       and Accessing Electronic Serials: panel discussion with
                       Machovec and McKay

     10:15-10:40 am    Networking Break

     10:40 am-12:10 pm Concurrent Breakout Session II

                          The Acquisition of Electronic Serials: State of the
                          Art. Where are We and Where are We Going? -- Mouw
                          and -- Montgomery

                          Access to Digital Resources: Theory and Application
                          for the Next Generation Catalogers -- Geer and Fair

                          Training: Helping Staff and Users Make the
                          Transition to the Electronic Journal Environment
                          -- Croneis and Harrison

     12:10- 1:20 pm    Lunch

     1:20-2:50 pm      Concurrent Breakout Session III

                          The Acquisition of Electronic Serials: State of the
                          Art. Where are We and Where are We Going? -- Mouw
                          and -- Montgomery

                          Access to Digital Resources: Theory and Application
                          for the Next Generation Catalogers -- Geer and Fair

                          Training: Helping Staff and Users Make the
                          Transition to the Electronic Journal Environment
                          -- Croneis and Harrison

     2:50- 3:15 pm     Networking Break

     3:15-3:45 pm      And as a result ...: institute highlights and
                       reflections -- Baker


Association for Library Collections & Technical Services
Through the Arch: Electronic Serials from Acquisitions to Access
April 24-25, 1998
Regal Riverfront Hotel, St. Louis

Join ALA/ALCTS now and register at member rates!

   __ Add ALCTS to my ALA membership (ALA membership number ______________)
   __ First-time membership in ALA ($50) and ALCTS ($45)     $95
   __ Regular renewing membership in ALA ($100) and ALCTS ($45)     $145
   (For other ALA member categories contact Shonda M. Russell

Mail:  Complete this page and mail it with payment to: Electronic Serials
Institute, ALCTS/ALA, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611.
Fax:  Complete this page and fax with payment information to 312-280-3257.
Phone:  Call Yvonne McLean at 800-545-2433, extension 5032.
E-Mail:  Send registration information to Yvonne McLean at ymclean@ala.org
(credit card or purchase order only).

Check, money order, purchase order, or credit card charge must accompany
registration to reserve space at the institute.

Please reserve my space for the Electronic Serials Institute.

__   Check or Money Order      __  Purchase Order
__   VISA      __  Master Card       __  American Express

Card number
iration date

Signature (Signature required for all charges)

__    ALCTS/MLNC Personal Member   $185
__    ALA Personal Member          $235
__    Non-ALA Member               $285
(Staff of organizational members are not considered personal members.)

Special Needs

If you have special physical, communication or dietary needs, please check the
box on the registration form and attach a statement regarding your special
need. We cannot ensure the availability of appropriate accommodations without
notification of need by April 1, 1998.

Name (as it should appear on badge) ____________________________

Title ____________________________________________________

Organization Name (as it should appear on badge) __________________

Organization address ________________________________________

City ________________________________  State _____   Zip _______________

Preferred mailing address

City ________________________________  State _____   Zip _______________

Phone (Office) (   )  ____________________  (Home) (   ) __________________

E-Mail Address ______________________________________________

ALA Membership Number _______________________________________

[  ] Special Needs. Please attach a statement regarding your special need by
April 1, 1998.