This item is being posted to several listservs. Please excuse any multiple postings. Changes in the definition of Type of Record (Leader/06) announced in USMARC Update no. 3 have resulted in considerably different treatment of many electronic resources. In February 1998, OCLC issued "Cataloging Electronic Resources: OCLC-MARC Coding Guidelines" (also available on the OCLC Web site at es). In response to requests for more information, OCLC is now issuing the following "OCLC Guidelines on the Choice of Type and BLvl for Electronic Resources" (also available at This latter document, which advises users on how to catalog and code records for electronic resources and how to deal with existing records, includes references to other relevant Library of Congress and CONSER documents for further guidance. Nancy B. Olson's "Cataloging Internet Resources: A Manual and Practical Guide," 2nd edition, is still available in electronic form at You may also request a print copy of the Olson manual at no charge from OCLC by sending an e-mail request to Include the title of the work, your name, and your complete mailing address. ***** OCLC Guidelines on the Choice of Type and BLvl for Electronic Resources By Jay Weitz Introduction To guide users in applying the "Cataloging Electronic Resources: OCLC-MARC Coding Guidelines" ( ces), OCLC is issuing these supplemental general guidelines about coding Electronic Resources. Please recognize that the cataloging of these materials is still very much in flux and will need further adjustment in the future, both as problems with current practices become apparent and as the resources themselves continue to evolve. Some of the information in this document is based on following documents: * Cataloging Internet Resources : A Manual and Practical Guide, Second Edition / Nancy B. Olson, editor. * CONSER Cataloging Manual : Module 31 : Remote Access Computer File Serials / By Melissa Beck. * Draft Interim Guidelines for Cataloging Electronic Resources / Library of Congress. * Guidelines for Distinguishing Cartographic Materials on Computer File Carriers From Other Materials on Computer File Carriers / Library of Congress. * ISBD(ER) : International standard bibliographic description for electronic resources / recommended by the ISBD(CF) Review Group. (Munchen : K.G. Saur, 1997). Each of these documents should continue to be primary sources for guidance in the cataloging of electronic resources. The recommendations made here are meant to be extensions of these documents, not replacements for them. Choice of Type of Record and Type of File Codes The definition of Type Code "m" for Computer File has been greatly narrowed. Code "m" is now used only for the following classes of electronic resources: * computer software (including programs, games, fonts) * numeric data * computer-oriented multimedia * online systems or services For these classes of materials, if there is a significant aspect that causes it to fall into another Leader/06 ("Type of Record") category, code for that significant aspect (e.g., vector data that is cartographic is not coded as numeric but as cartographic). Other classes of electronic resources are coded for their most significant aspect (e.g., language material, graphic, cartographic material, sound, music, moving image). In case of doubt or if the most significant aspect cannot be determined, consider the item a computer file. In keeping with this current definition of Type code "m," OCLC is recommending the following choices of Type Code and 006/008 "Type of Computer File" values for the following categories of electronic resources. This hierarchical list is based on the list of file designations in the "Cataloging Internet Resources" manual. Included below are resources accessible directly, such as on CD-ROMs or computer disks, and remotely, such as from Web sites and online files. The following resources could be monographs or serials. The decision to code as monograph or serial is a decision made separately from the Type Code decision. See the next section for guidance. Note that for electronic serials where type is not "a" or "m", two 006 fields will be necessary, one for computer files and one for serials. Computer data Computer numeric data (Type: m, File: a) Computer census data (Type: m, File: a) Computer survey data (Type: m, File: a) Computer text data (Type: a, 006/File: d or e) Computer bibliographic database (Type: a, 006/File: e) Computer journal(s) (e.g., journals containing textual information) (Type: a, 006/File: d) Computer newsletter(s) (e.g., newsletters containing textual information) (Type: a, 006/File: d) Computer document(s) (e.g., other textual material) (Type: a, 006/File: d) Computer image data (Type: g or k, 006/File: c) Computer representational data (Type: e, f, g, k, c, or d, 006/File: c) Computer map(s) data (Type: e or f, 006/File: c) Computer music data (e.g., musical notation or scanned images of a musical score) (Type: c or d, 006/File: c) Computer sound data (e.g., MIDI files) (Type: i or j, 006/File: h) Computer font data (Type: m, File: f) Computer program(s) (Type: m) Computer utility program(s) (Type: m, File: b) Computer application program(s) (Type: m) Computer CAD program(s) (Type: m, File: b) Computer database program(s) (Type: m, File: b) Computer spreadsheet program(s) (Type: m, File: b) Computer word processor program(s) (Type: m, File: b) Computer desktop publishing program(s) (Type: m, File: b) Computer game(s) (Type: m, File: g) Computer system program(s) (Type: m, File: b) Computer operating system program(s) (Type: m, File: b) Computer programming language(s) (Type: m, File: b) Computer retrieval program(s) (Type: m, File: b) Computer data and program(s) Computer data and program(s) (e.g., several types of data and the software to process the data-- unable to determine predominance) (Type: m, File: m) Computer interactive multimedia (Type: m, File: i) Computer online service(s) (e.g., bulletin boards, discussion groups/lists) (Type: m, File: j) In records for electronic resources where the Type Code is not "m," OCLC mandates including the field 006 for the electronic aspect so that the "COM" search qualifier will continue to retrieve these materials. According to LC's "Draft Interim Guidelines for Cataloging Electronic Resources," the computer file 007 is mandatory in any record representing an item whose carrier is a computer file. Please follow the separate "Cataloging Electronic Resources: OCLC-MARC Coding Guidelines" for further details about the inclusion of fields 007 and 856. The General Material Designation (GMD) "[computer file]" will continue to be used for items that are coded as Type "m." Also use the GMD "[computer file]" for all records that would include the computer file 006 according to the OCLC guidelines, regardless of the Type Code. Remember that these guidelines affect mainly the choice of certain fixed field elements, particularly the Type of Record and Type of File codes. The descriptive rules in AACR2R Chapter 9 for cataloging electronic resources continue to apply, as do most other MARC coding decisions. A remotely accessed computer file would continue to have no physical description (300) field. The physical description for a tangible electronic resource would continue to describe that physical computer file. If other aspects of the file are deemed to be bibliographically significant, they may be included in the File Characteristics Area (256) or in a file characteristics or physical description note, as appropriate. Monograph or Serial Apply the current AACR2 definitions of monograph and serial to electronic resources. Treat as serials (Bibliographic Level: s (or b)) only those indeterminate works issued in separate, designated parts. The parts may constitute an issue, or in some cases, an individual article. Applying the current AACR2R definitions may result in different manifestations receiving different cataloging treatment. For example, a manifestation in print form, such as an annual directory, is cataloged as a serial whereas it is cataloged as a monograph when the directory takes on the form of an electronic file that is continuously updated. This practice may change, but for the present LC and CONSER adhere to current definitions, and OCLC recommends its users do the same. Remotely accessed electronic resources of a dynamic nature that are currently excluded from serial treatment are: * Databases (including directories, A&I services, etc.) * Electronic discussion groups (e.g., SERIALST) * Electronic discussion group digests (e.g., AUTOCAT digest) * Gopher servers (e.g., LC-MARVEL) * Online public access catalogs (e.g., OCLC, RLIN) * Online services (e.g., America Online) * Web sites (e.g., the CONSER home page) These electronic resources should be treated as monographs. For further guidance on coding serials see: Use of fixed fields and Leader codes in CONSER records / Library of Congress. Dealing With Existing Records Please report to OCLC any needed Type and/or BLvl code changes, as well as any other changes to existing WorldCat records, either by phone, paper, or electronically, as appropriate (see "Bibliographic Formats and Standards," 2nd ed., p. 63-72 in paper form or electronically). OCLC would prefer that you not add duplicate records in these instances. WorldCat Database Enrichment currently allows Full Mode users and above to add field 006 and/or 007 to most records through lock and replace (see "Cataloging User Guide," 2nd ed., chapter 6 and OCLC Technical Bulletin no. 212, p. 33 or OCLC recognizes that the conversion of existing records for electronic resources is a significant issue for many groups within the OCLC membership. Unfortunately at this time, with limited resources and with many other important projects underway, such a conversion does not currently have a schedule. It is not known when this situation will change. 1998 March 23 Jay Weitz Consulting Database Specialist OCLC Online Computer Library Center MC 141 6565 Frantz Road Dublin, Ohio 43017-3395 Phone: 614-764-6156 Fax: 614-718-7195 E-mail: