Re: Journal of personality (2 messages) Birdie MacLennan 03 Apr 1998 00:25 UTC

2 messages, 59 lines:

Date:         Thu, 2 Apr 1998 13:30:59 -0800
From:         Ingrid Jones <injones@JFKU.EDU>
Subject:      Re: Journal of personality

Mary Williams at Tarleton:

If this is of any help, I just went into EBSCOnet via the Internet and found
that the Journal of Personality (ISSN: 0022-3506) is now listed as being
published by Blackwell in MA, though claims prior to 1998 must go to Duke
University.  There was no title matching a search on ISSN 0220-3506.

That's the extent of the scoop through EBSCO.


Ingrid K. Jones, Library Assistant - Serials
Robert M. Fisher Library
12 Altarinda Road
John F. Kennedy University
Orinda, CA 94563

Date:         Thu, 2 Apr 1998 15:55:29 -0600
From:         Daniel Burgard <dburgard@UX1.CSO.UIUC.EDU>
Subject:      Re: Journal of personality

The 0220 ISSN is most likely a typo.  I checked the Blackwell web pages
for the Journal of Personality and, to my surprise, I did not find the ISSN
listed anywhere.  I might have missed it.  All of the pages do have
0022-3506 in their address, however.  I would guess they just listed it
wrong on the first issue of the new volume.  They are off to an auspicious

Blackwell's also just took over the publishing of another psychology
journal.  They now publish Psychological Science, a journal from the
American Psychological Society (APS).  This journal was formerly offered by
Cambridge University Press.  Another APS journal, Current Directions in
Psychological Science, is scheduled to switch from Cambridge University
Press to Blackwell's in 1999.  The switchover of these publications was
nicely announced in a recent newsletter from the APS.

Perhaps Blackwell's is on a psychology journal takeover binge.

Daniel Burgard
Psychology Librarian
100 Main Library
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
1408 West Gregory Dr., Urbana, IL  61801
217-244-1866 (phone)
217-333-2214 (fax)