Language Arts Frequency change (Marie Schultz) ERCELAA@ctrvax.Vanderbilt.Edu 24 Apr 1998 21:32 UTC

Date: Fri, 24 Apr 1998 14:43:00 -0500
From: Marie Schultz <mschult2@IMMACULATA.EDU>
Subject: Language Arts Frequency change

  Language Arts (ISSN 0360-9170) has changed its issue frequency and
publishing dates.  I am sending this pattern change to the list because
there is a helpful note explaining the change on the first page of the April
1998 issue (Volume 75 Number 4).  The note gives issue information for
Volume 74,75,76 (before, during and after the change).  It is a very
informative note. It tells us how to close the old pattern and open the new
pattern for predicting this title.
