Re: web access to e-journals (3 messages)
Birdie MacLennan 01 Apr 1998 21:31 UTC
3 messages, 99 lines:
Date: Wed, 1 Apr 1998 12:58:24 -0500
From: Norm Medeiros <medein01@MCLIB91.MED.NYU.EDU>
Subject: Re: web access to e-journals
Hello Dianne,
We maintain a rather extensive list of e-journals on our
web site and it's done my hand. Most of the titles we
provide access to are relatively stable, so once they're
up there's little maintanence. The URLs are compiled by our
Collection Development librarian who determines access
privileges and holdings information. The URL lists
come to me. I copy and paste the URLs into their appropriate
slots on the e-journal pages and also catalog those that
are full-text. We maintain a subject listing as well, so
there's a little more effort that goes into that end of it.
E-journals are heavily used at my institution so the time
devoted with these lists is considered well spent. To get
a better idea, please take a look at
Norm Medeiros
Technical Services Librarian
NYU School of Medicine Tel.: (212) 263-8935
550 First Ave. Fax.: (212) 263-6534
New York, NY 10016
"There comes a time in every man's life and I've
had many of them." -- Casey Stengel
Date: Wed, 1 Apr 1998 13:13:53 -0500
From: "Elizabeth L. Blakely" <blakely1@JEFLIN.TJU.EDU>
Subject: Re: web access to e-journals
A colleague who is a member of this list passed this request on to me.
We created an set of electronic journals pages that provides information
about the journal, access and logon information. We provide both a frames
and non-frames version.
Please feel to check it out and if you would like to ask any questions
contact me directly.
Elizabeth Linck Blakely, MILS |
Information Services Librarian | 215/503-7676
Academic Information Services & Research | 1020 Walnut St., Phila. PA 19107
Thomas Jefferson University |
Date: Wed, 1 Apr 1998 13:24:13 -0500
From: Judith Hopkins <ulcjh@ACSU.BUFFALO.EDU>
Subject: Re: web access to e-journals
The Univ. at Buffalo Libraries maintain an alphabetical list of the
e-journals we can access; also a list arranged by subject; and the listing
is keyword searchable. (We currently have over a thousand titles, I
believe). This is in addition to the catalog records in our OPAC. To
look at this site go to:
Judith Hopkins Phone: 716 645-2796
Central Technical Services FAX: 716 645-5955
University at Buffalo E-mail:
Buffalo, NY 14260-2200
The views expressed are my own and not those of the University or the
University Libraries.
On Wed, 1 Apr 1998, Dianne Olson wrote:
> We would like to set up an alphabetical list of the e-journals we can
> access on our library's home page. I am wondering how other institution
> set up and maintain this type of list. Do you use a database such as
> access? Do you use a word processing or html program? Who on your
> staff is responsible for setting up and maintaining this list?
> Thank you.
> Dianne Olson
> Loyola Univ. H.S. Library