Dianne Olson <DOLSON@CPUA.IT.LUC.EDU> wrote:
> We would like to set up an alphabetical list of the e-journals we can
> access on our library's home page. I am wondering how other institution
> set up and maintain this type of list. Do you use a database such as
> access? Do you use a word processing or html program? Who on your
> staff is responsible for setting up and maintaining this list?
> Thank you.
For a view of e-journal listings on the web (alphabetical, subject,
databases, et al.) the web site, Serials in Cyberspace
(http://www.uvm.edu/~bmaclenn/index.html) may be of interest. The site
includes a variety of sources pertinent to serials and serials
librarianship, though the first few sections focus on links to various
academic libraries and research sites and how they present access to
electronic journals, or collections of electronic journals, from their web
pages. (it's a selective and by no means exhaustive listing). Some of the
sites included offer links to e-mail addresses of people (or groups)
maintaining the listings at their particular web site, and these contacts
may, in turn, be able to offer more insight or info. into the rationale or
design of their web site.
Hope this helps.
Birdie MacLennan
Coordinator, Serials & Cataloging bmaclenn@zoo.uvm.edu
University of Vermont bmaclenn@uvmvm.uvm.edu