Times Educational Supplement source (Carmel Thompson) ERCELAA@ctrvax.Vanderbilt.Edu 19 Mar 1998 23:16 UTC

Date: Thu, 19 Mar 1998 12:32:29 -0800
From: "C. D. Thompson" <cathompson@UPS.EDU>
Subject: Times Educational Supplement source


I have been unable to find a microfilm source for The Times Educational
Supplement, ISSN 0040-7887. I checked Ulrich's International Periodicals
Directory, and they list RPI as a microfilm source. However, I cannot
locate any information on this company.

Any leads or suggestions are appreciated.

Thank You,
Carmel Thompson                 cathompson@ups.edu
University of Puget Sound               253-756-3617 phone
Library Periodicals                     253-756-3670 fax
1500 N Warner
Tacoma, WA 98416