Archival Resources Company summary (Marcia Trauernicht) Stephen Clark 27 Feb 1998 19:22 UTC

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Date: Fri, 27 Feb 1998 11:47:22 -0500
From: "Marcia Trauernicht (716) 475-7292" <TRAUERNICHT.MS@A1.ISC.RIT.EDU>
Subject: Archival Resources summary

          Nearly a month ago I posted an inquiry about the Archival Resource
          Company (specializing in purchasing collections, backruns and loose
          issues).  I received a few responses, but not many (excluding
          requests for the company's address): two people sent the company
          lists of materials for purchase, and after several months have not
          yet received a response. When telephoned, the reply was that the
          business was swamped with work and was not able to review the
          information yet.  Another person set up an appointment with the
          company to pick up some materials, and in turn received payment

          I would still be interested in hearing from anyone who has dealings
          with this company in the future.  Thanks to all who responded!

          Marcia Trauernicht, RIT