Call for Papers, European Symposium, PKDD'98, Nantes, France (fwd) Birdie MacLennan 28 Jan 1998 15:45 UTC

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date:         Wed, 28 Jan 1998 10:06:35 -0500
From:         Mohamed Quafafou <>
Subject:      Call for Papers: PKDD'98

         PKDD'98 -- 2nd European Symposium on Principles of
                Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery
                        Nantes, France
                        September 23-26, 1998

Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery in Databases (KDD) have emerged from a
combination of many research areas: databases, statistics, machine
learning, automated scientific discovery, inductive logic programming,
artificial intelligence, visualization, decision science, and high
performance computing.

While each of these areas can contribute in specific ways, KDD focuses on
the value that is added by creative combination of the contributing areas.
The goal of PKDD'98 is to provide a European-based forum for interaction
among all theoreticians and practitioners interested in data mining.
Interdisciplinary collaboration is one desired outcome, but the main
long-term focus is on theoretical principles for the emerging discipline
of KDD, especially on KDD-specific principles that go beyond each
contributing area.

Both theoretical and applied submissions are sought. Reviewers will assess
the contribution towards the principles of KDD, in addition to the usual
requirements of relevance, novelty, clarity and significance.  Applied
papers should go beyond an individual application, presenting an explicit
method that promises a degree of generality within one or more stages of
the discovery process, such as preprocessing, mining, visualization, use
of prior knowledge, knowledge refinement, and evaluation.  Theoretical
papers should demonstrate how the proposed theoretical contribution
advances the discovery process.

The following non-exclusive list exemplifies topics of interest:

Data and knowledge representation for data mining
* Beyond relational databases: new forms of data organization
* Data reduction
* Prior domain knowledge and use of discovered knowledge
* Combining query systems with discovery capabilities

Statistics and probability in data mining
* Discovery of probabilistic networks
* Modelling knowledge uncertainty
* Discovery of exceptions and deviations
* Statistical significance in large-scale search
* The problems of over-fit

Logic-based perspective on data mining
* Inference of knowledge from data
* Exploring different subspaces of first order logic
* Rough sets in data mining
* Boolean approaches to data mining
* Inductive Logic Programming for mining real databases
* Pattern-recognition for data mining
* The use of tolerance (similarity) relations in data mining
* KDD-motivated discretization of data
* Discovery of approximate schemes of reasoning from data

Man-Machine interaction in data mining
* Visualization of data
* Visualization of knowledge
* Interface design
* Interactive data mining: human and computer contributions

Artificial Intelligence contributions to KDD
* Representing knowledge and hypotheses spaces
* Search for knowledge and its complexities
* Combining many methods in one system
* Data mining in distributed/multiagent systems

High performance computing for data mining
* Hardware support for KDD
* Parallel discovery algorithms and complexity
* Distributed data mining
* Scalability in high dimensional datasets
* From concept learning to concept discovery
* Expanding the autonomy of machine learners
* Embedding learning methods in KDD systems
* Conceptual clustering in knowledge discovery
* Applications of scientific discovery systems to databases
* Scientific hypothesis evaluation that transfers to KDD
* Hypothesis spaces of scientific discovery applied in KDD
* Differences between the data handled in both fields
* KDD applications on scientific databases
* Decomposition of large data tables

Quality assessment of data mining results
* Multi-criteria knowledge evaluation
* Benchmarks and metrics for system evaluation
* Statistical tests in KDD applications
* Usefulness and risk assessment in decision-making

Applications of data mining and knowledge discovery
* Medicine: diagnosis and prognosis
* Control theory: predictive and adaptive control, model identification
* Engineering: diagnosis of mechanisms and processes
* Public administration
* Marketing and finance
* Data mining on the web in text and heterogeneous data
* Natural and social science
* Prediction and intervention use of knowledge
* Fraud detection

Interaction between symbolic KDD methods and neural nets
* Interpretation of knowledge accumulated in a trained NN
* Hybrid NN/Symbolic KDD systems
* NN architectures for higher transparency and interpretability

Submitted papers should be in English and not exceed 10 single-spaced pages
of 12pt font (excluding title page but including tables, figures and
bibliography). Submissions exceeding this limit will not be reviewed. A
separate title page should begin with title, authors, affiliations, surface
and e-mail addresses, and an abstract of about 200 words. Submitted papers
should preferably be formatted according to the LNAI guidelines. LaTeX and
Word style files are available at The following items must
be submitted by May 15th, 1998: an electronic version of the paper
(uuencoded and compressed PostScript), and an electronic version of the
titlepage in plain ASCII format. Four hard copies of the paper by regular
mail are also accepted if electronic submission is not possible. All items
should be sent to the following addresses:

* Regular mail: Mohamed Quafafou - PKDD'98 Conference (see full address below)
* Electronic mail :

All accepted for regular and poster presentations will be published by
Springer Verlag as part of the ``Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence''
(LNAI) series.

Submission deadline:    May 15th, 1998
Notice of acceptance:   June 15th, 1998
Camera ready papers:    July 5th, 1998

PANEL DISCUSSIONS: proposals are sought for panels that stimulate
interaction between the communities contributing to KDD.  Include title,
the main goals, prospective participants and a summary of the topics to be
discussed.  Submission to by May 15th, 1998. Notification
of acceptance by June 15th, 1998.

TUTORIALS: proposals are solicited for tutorials that: (1) transfer
know-how and provide hands-on experience, (2) combine two or more areas
(e.g. rough sets and statistics, high-performance computing and databases,
etc), or (3)  cover application domains such as finance, medicine, or
automatic control.  Submission to by May 15th, 1998.
Notification of acceptance by June, 15th, 1998.

DEMONSTRATIONS OF SOFTWARE for data mining and knowledge discovery are
invited, including both commercial and experimental systems.  Send
descriptions to by July 15th, 1998.


Jan Zytkow,                     Mohamed Quafafou,
Dept. of Computer Science       IRIN, 2 rue la Houssiniere
UNC Charlotte                   BP 92208 - 44322
Charlotte, NC 28223             Nantes cedex 03
USA                             France       


Pieter Adriaans                 (Syllogic, Netherlands)
Pawel Bradzil                   (U. Porto, Portugal)
Henri Briand                    (IRIN U. Nantes, France)
Leo Carbonara                   (British Telecom., UK)
A. Fazel Famili                 (IIT-NRC, Canada)
Ronen Feldman                   (Bar Ilan, U. Israel)
Patrick Gallinari               (U. Paris 6, France)
Jean-Gabriel Ganascia           (U. Paris 6, France)
Attilio Giordana                (U. Torino, Italy)
David Hand                      (Open U., UK)
Bob Henery                      (U. Strathclyde, UK)
Mikhail Kiselev                 (Megaputer Intelligence, Russia)
Willi Kloesgen                  (GMD, Germany)
Yves Kodratoff                  (U. Paris 11, France)
Jan Komorowski                  (Norwegian U.Sci. & Tech.)
Nada Lavrac                     (Josef Stefan Inst., Slovenia)
Heikki Mannila                  (U. Helsinki, Finland)
Steve Muggleton                 (Oxford U., UK)
Zdzislaw Pawlak                 (Warsaw Technical U., Poland)
Gregory Piatetsky-Shapiro       (Knowledge Stream, Boston, USA)
Lech Polkowski                  (U. Warsaw, Poland)
Mohamed Quafafou                (IRIN U. Nantes, France)
Zbigniew Ras                    (UNC Charlotte, USA)
Lorenza Saitta                  (U. Torino, Italy)
Wei-Min Shen                    (U. So. California, USA)
Arno Siebes                     (CWI, Netherlands)
Andrzej Skowron                 (U. Warsaw, Poland)
Derek Sleeman                   (U. Aberdeen, UK)
Nicolas Spyratos                (U. Paris 11, France)
Shusaku Tsumoto                 (Tokyo Medical & Dental U., Japan)
Raul Valdes-Perez               (CMU, USA)
Thierry Van de Merckt           (Belgium)
Rudiger Wirth                   (Daimler-Benz, Germany)
Stefan Wrobel                   (GMD, Germany)
Ning Zhong                      (Yamaguchi U., Japan)
Wojtek Ziarko                   (U. Regina, Canada)
Djamel A. Zighed                (U. Lyon 2, France)
Jan Zytkow                      (UNC Charlotte, USA)

|                            Mohamed Quafafou                             |
| IRIN, 2 rue la Houssiniere      tel: (+33) 240 37 49 75 <<<<<< New <<<  |
| BP 92208 - 44322                fax: (+33) 240 37 49 70                 |
| Nantes cedex 03                 mail:      |
| France.                                                                 |