Consider this from Carol Nicholson - I am just sending along - Thanks -Eleanor -------------------- Date: Mon, 26 Jan 1998 12:50:26 -0500 (Eastern Standard Time) From: Carol Avery Nicholson (UNC-Chapel Hill Law Library) <> Subject: North Carolina Serials Conference SEVENTH NORTH CAROLINA SERIALS CONFERENCE "The Seamless Interface: Weaving Serials Partnerships" March 5 - 6, 1998 The William and Ida Friday Continuing Education Center Chapel Hill, NC PRELIMINARY AGENDA Thursday, March 5, 1998 8:30 - 9:00 Registration/Continental Breakfast 9:00 -9:15 Welcome and Introduction 9:15 - 10:15 Keynote Address Clifford Lynch, Executive Director Coalition for Networked Information 10:30 - 11:45 Breakout Session One A. Maximizing the Web for Serialists NASIG Continuing Education Committee Sponsoree-- Margaret A. Rioux, Information Systems Librarian Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute B. Cataloging Electronic Serials Elaine Drusedow, Serials Catalog Librarian Duke University C. Claiming and Database Maintenance: Serial Housekeeping Arlene Hanerfeld, Head, Technical Services UNC Wilmington Nancy Gibbs, Assistant Head, Acquisitions NCSU Libraries 11:45 - 12:45 Buffet Luncheon in the Trillium Room, The Friday Center 12:45 - 2:00 Breakout Session Two Repeat of morning sessions. 2:00 - 2:45 Electronic Government Information: Nailing Cyber-Jello to the Wall Mary Alice Baish Assistant Washington Affairs Representative American Association of Law Libraries 2:45 - 3:00 Break 3:00 - 4:30 Wheeling and Dealing for Electronic Resources: A Panel Discussion Convener-Dr. Benjamin Speller, Dean, NCCU-SLIS Julie Blume Nye, Network Development Consultant State Library of North Carolina Fran Staples, Account Manager Institute for Scientific Information Amy Dykeman, Associate Director for Administrative Services NCSU Libraries William Gray Potter Director of Libraries University of Georgia Friday, March 6, 1997 8:00 - 8:30 Continental Breakfast 8:30 - 12:15 TALK! TALK! TALK ! Communicating to Develop Effective Partnerships: A Symposium Eleanor Cook, Facilitator Serials Specialist and Assistant Coordinator of Materials Processing, Appalachian State University James Coble, Director Library Information Systems Perkins Library, Duke University David Ferriero, University Librarian Perkins Library, Duke University Bruce Heterick, Director, Electronic Sales Blackwell's Information Services Jenny Kanji, Senior Account Executive LEXIS-NEXIS Sherwin Rice, Director of Library Services Bladen County Public Library STATEMENT OF PURPOSE: The purpose of this conference is to explore the need for serialists to communicate effectively with service providers, peer serials librarians, administrators, library public, consortia, systems analysts, etc., and forge mutually beneficial partnerships. Speakers with diverse expertise in the above mentioned areas will discuss methods and procedures that serialists can utilize to effectively partner for "winning" situations for all concerned. LOCATION: The program will be held at The William and Ida Friday Continuing Education Center. The Friday Center offers state-of-the-art teaching facilities in a comfortable and attractive environment conducive to learning. Services available at The Friday Center include a message desk at 919-962-3000, a gift shop and espresso bar, lounge areas, and a walking trail. Smoking is not permitted in the building, but is allowed on the patios. Parking at The Friday Center is free for program participants and public bus service is available. A map is available at SPECIAL NEEDS: Individuals with special requirements to accommodate a motor or sensory impairment should indicate their needs on the registration form. REGISTRATION: The program registration fee is $75. The student registration fee is $30. The fee includes continental breakfast, breaks and Thursday's lunch. Enrollment is limited and is on a first-come, first-served basis. When capacity is reached, registrants will be placed on a waiting list. ACCOMODATIONS: Participants may stay in the hotel of their choice while attending the program. Several hotels offering a variety of amenities are available in the immediate vicinity. The Best Western University Inn is closest to The Friday Center, approximately one mile away. Room rates are $80 for a standard room with two double beds, $90 for a deluxe room with two double beds and $70 for one queen bed. The telephone number for the Best Western University Inn is 919-932-3000. FURTHER INFORMATION: For further information contact Cheryl Reddish or Wanda Rascoe at NCCU: 919-560-6485 (voice) or 919-560-6402 (fax). A Special Thank You is Extended to Those Who Helped Make This Conference Possible: Educational Sponsors: North Carolina Central University School of Library and Information Sciences North American Serials Interest Group Continuing Education Committee Corporate Sponsors: Blackwell's Information Services EBSCO Subscription Services Faxon Subscription Services Heckman Bindery, Inc. ICI/Southeast Library Bindery LEXIS/NEXIS REGISTRATION FORM The Seamless Interface: Weaving Serials Partnerships March 5-6, 1998 Please print or type name as it should appear on your name tag and program roster: Name: Title: Organization: Mailing Address: City:_______________________State:____Zip Code:______ Phone______________ __________________ Work Home Breakout session preferences: __--_____A_______B_______C Please indicate your first and second preference. Please indicate accommodations and/or services you require to participate in this program: __________________________________________________ Registration Options: $75 Full registration fee $30 Student registration fee Payment must accompany registration. Make checks payable to NCCU/SLIS and mail with registration to: School of Library & Information Sciences North Carolina Central University PO Box 19586 Durham, NC 27707