Position Announcement, Ball State Univ., Muncie, IN Leanne Hillery 20 Jan 1998 18:10 UTC


Catalog Librarian for Serials and Documents.  Responsibilities:
cataloging and classifying serials in all formats using MARC formats,
AACR2rev, and Library of Congress subject headings, classification and
rule interpretations; supervising operations and staff (4 directly, 2
indirectly) in serials cataloging, documents cataloging and maintenance,
binding, and physical processing operations, including training;
maintaining information for related serial and document files and
databases; creating records for the automated authority file; assisting
with the maintenance of government publication records in the online
public access catalog; participating in the development, documentation,
and evaluation of unit policies and procedures; preparing written reports
and statistics as required.  Minimum qualifications: MLS from an ALA
accredited program at time of appointment; two years of supervisory,
cataloging, or serials experience; knowledge of MARC formats, AACR2rev,
and Library of Congress subject headings and classification;  knowledge of
a national bibliographic utility such as OCLC; effective oral and written
communication skills.  Preferred qualifications:  experience with serials
cataloging, managing government documents, and library binding; knowledge
of emerging technologies, especially the automation of library technical
services functions; working knowledge of at least one foreign language;
additional advanced degrees.  Salary negotiable: $28,500 minimum.

Terms and conditions.  Fiscal year professional appointment available
immediately; faculty status possible with appropriate academic

Send letter of application, resume, transcripts of graduate degree(s)
(unofficial copies acceptable) and the names, addresses, and telephone/fax
numbers of three references (at least one of which is the current or most
recent supervisor) to: Mr. C. William Barnett, Director of Library
Business Services, University Libraries, Ball State University, Muncie, IN
47306.  Review of applications will begin immediately and continue until
the position is filled.

Direct questions to Suzanne Rice, Dept. Chair, at 00ssrice@bsuvc.bsu.edu

Ball State University is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer
and is strongly and actively committed to diversity within its community.