UKSG 21st Annual Conference, 30 March - 1 April 1998 Richard Gedye 16 Jan 1998 17:30 UTC

UKSG (United Kingdom Serials Group)
21st Annual Conference and Exhibition
and Annual General Meeting

30 March - 1 April 1998
University of Exeter

Whether we are on the brink of a revolution in the way serials are
produced and disseminated or simply witnessing a period of gentle
transition and evolution no one can say. What UKSG can do, via the
Annual Conference, is provide a forum for the discussion of the major
issues surrounding this period of transition.

A full and varied programme has now been finalised. Some excellent
speakers and industry-experts will be giving papers and running
workshops, and the exhibition will include all of the organisations
involved in the information chain.

Please take a moment to view the Conference Programme below.
Further details and an booking form can be found at

For further information, please contact:

Jill Tolson
UK Serials Group Business Manager
114 Woodstock Road
Witney  OX8 6DY

Tel:  +44 (0)1993 703466
Fax:  +44 (0)1993 778879

Monday 30 March

Registration and exhibition viewing

11.00 - 11.15
Opening of Conference:  Welcome, Richard Hodson, Chair, UKSG and Alasdair
Paterson, University Librarian, University of Exeter

Keynote session:  Mapping the futures

11.15 - 11.45
Serials happenings: the information industry in transition
James T Stephens, President, EBSCO Industries Inc, USA

11.45 - 12.15
The next five years: a publisher's ambition
Robert Kiernan, Chairman and Chief Executive, Routledge Publishers
Holdings Ltd

12.15 - 12.45
Signposts to the future: the librarian's direction
Alan MacDougall, Director of Library Services, Dublin City
University, Ireland

12.45 - 14.00
Lunch and exhibition viewing, Peter Chalk Centre

Knowledge management

14.00 - 14.30
Managing information as a corporate asset
Nigel Horne, Director, KPMG IMPACT Programme

14.30 - 15.00
Sharing expertise in practice: the way forward for knowledge management
Jacqueline Cropley, Consultant, formerly of Clifford Chance

15.00 - 15.30
The long road to information integration: suggestions for the way forward
Suzie Alexander, European Sales Manager, Ovid Technologies Ltd

15.30 - 16.00
Refreshments and exhibition viewing

16.15 - 17.15

Close of exhibition

Reception for first-time delegates



21.30 - 01.00

20.30 - 23.00
Informal coffee lounge, Exeter Room, Devonshire House

Tuesday 31 March

07.30 - 08.30   Breakfast

08.45 - 10.00
Product reviews, Newman Lecture Theatre

Exhibition viewing

10.00 - 10.30
Acquiring electronic products in the hybrid library: prices,
licences, platforms and users
Peter Leggate, Keeper of Scientific Books, Radcliffe Science
Library, University of Oxford

10.30 - 11.00
Refreshments and exhibition viewing

11.00 - 11.30
Dataset purchasing options: united we save, divided we pay
Mike Johnson, Director of CHEST & NISS

11.30 - 12.00
Developments in the UK Pilot Site Licence
John Fielden, Director, CHEMS

12.00 - 12.30
Consortial purchasing: the US experience with electronic products
Julia Gammon, Head, Acquisitions Department, University of Akron, USA

12.30 - 13.45
Lunch and exhibition viewing

13.45 - 14.15
Switching on serials: the British Library's
Electronic Serials in Public Libraries project
Margaret Evans, Loughborough University

14.15 - 14.45
MagNET and EARL: Internet access to newspapers and journals in
public libraries
Hugh Marks, Technical Services Manager, Westminster Libraries & Archives,
and EARL Serials Task Group convenor

14.45 - 15.15
Devon cream tea and exhibition viewing

15.30 - 16.30

16.45 - 17.15
Scientific publication and the UK Research Assessment Exercise: an assessor's
W F Vinen, University of Birmingham and Chair of the Physics Assessment Panel

17.15 - 17.45
Journals: what makes the added value
Griffith Edwards, Editor-in-Chief, 'Addiction' and Emeritus Professor of
Behaviour, University of London

17.45 - 18.15
AGM, Newman Lecture Theatre including reports from Claus Pedersen, Chair,
European Federation of Serials Groups, and Susan Davies, President, NASIG

19.30   Reception

20.00   Conference Dinner

21.30   Line dancing

21.30 - 23.00   Informal coffee lounge, Exeter Room, Devonshire House

22.30 - 01.00   Disco

Wednesday 1 April

07.30 - 08.30

09.00 - 10.00
Product reviews

Exhibition viewing

10.00 - 10.30   SuperJournal: the publishers' perspective
        Michael Mabe, Director, Material Science Publishing, Elsevier Science

10.30 - 11.00   Refreshments and exhibition viewing
        Session chair:  Richard Hodson, Blackwell's Information Services

11.00 - 11.30   HEDS: accessing for the future, preserving the past
        Simon Tanner, Digitisation Consultant, Higher Education Digitisation

11.30 - 12.00   Hanging on to what we have got: economic and management issues
in providing perpetual access in an electronic environment
        Malcolm Smith, Director, British Library Bibliographic Services &
Document Supply

12.00 - 12.20   The world of 'Hello!'
        Sally Cartwright, Publishing Director, 'Hello!' Magazine

12.20   Close of Conference and lunch


1. Serials pricing issues
2. A beginner's guide to electronic library formats
3. What next for organisational libraries?
4. Managing the electronic journal
5. Document delivery options
6. Bibliographic control of serials
7. Understanding licensing agreements
8. Evaluating and measuring usage of e-journals
9. Tendering for library services and supplies
10. Web design, structure and management
11. Electronic copyright permissions
12. Outsourcing
13. Linking quality information resources on the Web