Re: Postal Service & Claiming (Marilee Rouillard) Marcia Tuttle 08 Jan 1998 21:37 UTC

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Thu, 8 Jan 1998 15:55:58 -0500
From: Marilee Rouillard <mrouilla@KEENE.EDU>
Subject: Re: Postal Service & Claiming (Cory Meyer)

Yipes!  This makes my problems look tiny!  Sorry to not have a solution. To
add to this discussion, I have been told that the 4 digit zip that
identifies the institutional building won't register with some software
programs that the publishers use, so they don't think it is a real address(I
give the generic street address of the college to circumvent this).  Some
publishers won't use the 4 digits anyway.  Our change of address was done
pretty well, but when our renewals get keyed in, some publishers change the
wording slightly and then it acts like a new subscription so we miss an
issue or get duplicates.
At 03:22 PM 1/8/98 -0500, Marcia Tuttle wrote:
>---------- Forwarded message ----------
>Date: Thu, 8 Jan 1998 10:49:17 -0700
>From: Cory Meyer <cmeyer@BIBLIO.UNM.EDU>
>Subject: Postal Service & Claiming
>To add to the discussion......
>A few years ago our library changed it's name from UNM Medical Center
>Library to UNM Health Sciences Center Library.  We notified our
>subscription vendors and they contacted the publishers to inform them of
>our name change.
>Shortly thereafter the Postal service changed their regulations and
>required the addition of a "street" address to all labels.  That proved a
>problem for us since we are not located on a street...but within the
>campus environs.  When publishers started to deny our claims, we were told
>that a street address was required by <their> postal branch.  When we
>tried to confirm this with <our> postal branch we were told that no it did
>not apply to us since we had what is considered an institutional zip code
>with the final 4 digits of the nine digit zip being the signifier for our
>We again contacted our vendors and asked them to notify the publishers
>that the entire zip code had to be used.
>Now comes the fun part.....we still had an unusually high number of claims
>and I started to contact the publishers directly when problems developed.
>As part of the stantard routine I verified our all cases the
>address was correct.  Recently we started a totally unrelated project that
>required clipping the address labels from the issues and filing them since
>many of the online journals will require entry of a code that appears on
>the label.  What we discovered was the journals were still coming to the
>ADDRESS BY THE PUBLISHERS...even though their <accounting> records had our
>new location.
>Added to this we now have the new problem that a few publishers have made
>the assumption that there is only one library at the University of New
>Mexico, and many of our titles are being sent to the main library while
>several of theirs are ending up at our facility.
>The problem appears to be more of an octopus than first appearance would
>have suggested.  At this rate I will look forward to online if it would
>cut out all the middle men.
>Good Luck to us all!!!!
>Cory Anne Johnstone Meyer
>Head, Serials/Government Documents
>University of New Mexico
>Health Sciences Center Library
>Albuquerque, NM  87131-5686

Marilee H. Rouillard, Supervisor
Periodicals Department, Mason Library
Keene State College, Keene, NH  03435-3201  (603)358-2756