Re: C/C++ Users Journal Heather Ashworth 02 Dec 1997 02:11 UTC

Dear Barbara,

No, you aren't alone in this one. It would be one of the most difficult
titles to find on an automated system.
Our University Library runs DRA and I had to try several versions of
entering the title before the system actually retreived it.
C/C ++ users journal and/or C C ++ users journal worked. There is no
keyword searching in the serials/acquisitions module which makes
life difficult at times.

Heather Ashworth.
Heather Ashworth
Library Technician - Serials
Ward Library
University of Western Sydney, Nepean.
PH. + 61 2 9852-5894      FAX: +61 2 9852-5940

At 10:22 AM 11/27/97 NZST+1200, Barbara Rauch wrote:
>Subject:      C/C++ Users Journal
>I'm interested to know how other serial modules handle this title.
>The character "/" is ignored when doing a search as is "C".
>The amazing thing is that this journal is about computer programming.
>Doesn't the publisher realise that library users have difficulty
>locating this journal because of how the software is
>programmed. I suppose the title describes the subject matter
>but it's virtually invisible, not to mention dull and unimaginative.
>Am I the only one who finds this irritating?
>Barbara Rauch, Assistant librarian - serials acquisitions
>Auckland Institute of Technology
>P B 92006, Auckland, New Zealand
>Ph: (09)307 9999 extn.8874 Fx: (09)307 9977