Focus (American Geographical Society) (Pauline Bryant) Marcia Tuttle 06 Nov 1997 15:29 UTC

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Thu, 6 Nov 1997 09:27:49 -0500
From: Pauline Bryant <bryantp@HOST1.SWOSU.EDU>
Subject: Focus (American Geographical Society)

If anyone else is receiving Focus (American Geographical Society), ISSN
0015-5004, you know that they are behind in their publishing schedule.
We were receiving volume 44 as the 1994 issues.  Our most recent one
was identified as volume 44, #3, Fall 1997.  I called the publisher and
was told that this is the correct year.  They decided to catch up by
skipping from Summer 1994 to Fall 1997, and they will continue on from

Hope this isn't too confusing!

Pauline Bryant
Southwestern Okla State Univ