Date: Wed, 5 Nov 1997 13:20:28 -0600
From: Nancy Mulhern <mulhern@PLAINS.NODAK.EDU>
Subject: Re: Binding of Dissertations and Theses (Joe Edelen)
At the University of North Dakota, the serials department is responsible
for the binding of Master's and Doctoral Dissertations. The Graduate School
is billed by the library for the copy the library maintains. The Graduate
school includes the costs of binding in the Graduate Student fees. The
Graduate school is also responsible for sending the dissertations to
University Microfilms and then forwards them to the library for binding.
Nancy Mulhern
Documents Patents, Trademarks and Periodicals
Chester Fritz Library
University of North Dakota
Box 9000
Grand Forks, ND 58202
Phone (701) 777-4647
Date: Wed, 5 Nov 1997 13:20:44 -0600
Subject: Re: Binding of Dissertations and Theses (5 messages)
At the University of New Orleans, the library receives two copies of theses
and 2 copies of dissertations from the Graduate School Office. They are to
check for any errors/discrepancies before sending them to us for binding.
The students pay a binding fee and UMI microfilming fee to the Graduate
School. The Graduate School pays the bindery fee for theses and dissertations
but the copies are cataloged and kept in the library. If the department or
the student want personal copies bound then they have to pay for them and
usually we let them deal directly with the bindery. So far all of this has
worked out very well. The Graduate School has recently taken over the UMI
handling. The bindery unit at the library used to but we did it as a favor
until the Graduate School got themselves better organized.
I have another question to ask others concerning photocoying of theses and
dissertations. Does anyone have/use a form signed by the author of the theses/
dissertation granting photocopying permission. We would be interested in
looking at anything anyone is currently using. Is there such a thing?
You may reply directly to me unless this is something that may be of interest
to all. Thanks in advance for your information.
Norma Mukherjee
Head, Current Periodicals/Bindery
Earl K.Long Library
University of New Orleans
Date: Wed, 5 Nov 1997 14:02:18 -0900
From: anfna@UAA.ALASKA.EDU
Subject: Re: Binding of Dissertations and Theses (Joe Edelen)
We handle the binding in the serials department. We bind two copies of
the each master's thesis. We pay for the binding (presumably the money
comes from the fees/tuition that the student is already paying. The
"lead" is taken in the library, although, except for binding, for us it is
taken in the director's office. I hope the information helps.
Freya Anderson anfna@uaa.alaska.edu
Serials Clerk phone:(907)786-4627
University of Alaska Anchorage fax: (907)786-6050
Consortium Library
******Life's uncertain...eat dessert first!!*****
Date: Thu, 6 Nov 1997 08:26:30 -0500
From: Meg Robinson Arnold <ALI00MER@UNCCVM.UNCC.EDU>
Subject: Binding of Dissertations and Theses (Joe Edelen)
>is the student required to pay for the binding of these copies?
>Do they pay for them only on the Ph.D. level, neither level, does the
graduate school pay for them?
The graduate school gets the invoice from the binder, but the student pays a
set fee (to the graduate school) when they submit their thesis. We've only
had Ph.D. level recently, but I believe the procedure is the same for them.
>secondly, in your institution where is the lead taken with regard to
binding and UMI microfilming of a dissertation: the Graduate School,
Library, or other?
I'm not exactly sure what you mean here, Joe, but I won't let that keep me
from answering ;). The theses are brought to us by the Graduate school,
where the student has paid for them, and filled out all necessary
information about title, # of copies, contact name and address,etc. The only
contact we have with the students is if they come to pick up their personal
copies after they've returned from the binder (and that may be changing
soon.) As I said, we've only recently had Ph.D.'s here (so far, I think I've
bound 2 or 3 dissertations), and I'm not sure whether or not the graduate
school is sending them to UMI. I know we don't.
Hope this is helpful -
Margaret Robinson Arnold
Bindery Supervisor ali00mer@email.uncc.edu
Atkins Library (00 = zero zero)
UNC Charlotte ph:704-547-2127
9201 University City Blvd
Charlotte NC 28223-0001