American Family Physician (Jeanette Skwor) Marcia Tuttle 06 Nov 1997 13:54 UTC

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Date: Wed, 5 Nov 1997 14:20:50 -0500
Subject: American Family Physician

I've been working on pattern problems this afternoon, addressed the Time
issue (and, by the way, was told by the same Customer Service
Representative, the reason our Time subscription seems to be creeping
backwards is that they consider an annual subscription to be 52 issues.
Special issues and *combined* issues are counted in that total.)

Anyway, came to American Family Physician, and the letter they sent out,
telling me of the changes in store, and that they are going to 20 issues
per year.  As I happily sighed over the kindness and forethought of these
good publishers, I turned to page two, which was a chart showing volume and
issue numbers, (and chronology) from 1993 - 1998.  Lo and behold, their 2
volume, 20 issue year will have 11 issues in the first volume, and 9 in the
second.  :-/  And me with an Unforgiving Notis serials system.

Guess some of us are never happy.

Jeanette Skwor
Cofrin Library