Re: Table of Contents Routing (Jim Segesta) Marcia Tuttle 04 Nov 1997 19:53 UTC

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Tue, 4 Nov 1997 10:00:49 -0700
From: Jim Segesta <Jim_Segesta@FIRSTCLASS1.CSUBAK.EDU>
Subject: Re: Table of Contents Routing (Susan E. Sturgeon)

CARL Uncover emails the tables of contents of the new issues of up to
fifty journals, which may be selected from their list of about 15,000
periodicals.  In addition to emailing promptly the tables of contents,
Uncover will also run search statements every week, matching them
against the titles of the new articles published in all 15,000
journals.  It is a terrific way to keep up.  The URL is