File: "SERIALST LIST" (fwd) Birdie MacLennan 04 Nov 1997 19:52 UTC

*  SERIALST: Serials in Libraries Discussion Forum
*  Review= Private                     Subscription= Open
*  Notify= no                          Reply-to= List,respect
*  Notebook= Yes,/home/listserv/htdocs/archives/serialst,Monthly,Public
*  Default-options= Repro,Shorthdr
*  Confidential= no                    Mail-Via=Distribute
*  Editor-Header= no                   Send= editor
*  Errors-To=     Files= Yes
*  Local= uvmvm,uvmvax,uvmadmin     Digest= Yes,Same,Daily,23,Size(1750)
*  Auto-delete= yes
*  Owner= (Birdie MacLennan)
*  Owner=
*  Owner= (Marcia Tuttle)
*  Owner= (Ann Ercelawn)
*  Editor= (seredit)
*  Editor= (Birdie MacLennan)
*  Editor=
*  Editor=
*  Editor= (Marcia Tuttle)
*  Editor= (Ann Ercelawn)
*                      SERIALST SCOPE & PURPOSE
*  SERIALST (Serials in Libraries -- a discussion forum) was
*  established in October 1990, with technical support from the
*  Office of Academic Computing at the University of Vermont, in
*  order to serve as an informal electronic forum for most aspects
*  of serials processing in libraries.  Appropriate topics may
*  include (but are not limited to):  cataloging, acquisitions
*  collection management, serials budgets and pricing issues,
*  binding, preservation, microfilm, union list activities,
*  news, announcements, and job postings that may be of interest
*  to the serials community.  SERIALST is *NOT* a forum for the
*  trade or exchange of duplicate, wanted, or unwanted serials.
*  When sending mail to SERIALST, please keep it to 350 lines or
*  less and break longer messages into multiple, short, "serial"
*  messages.  Address messages to:
*                     SERIALST@LIST.UVM.EDU
*  Disclaimer:  The University of Vermont offers SERIALST as a
*  public service.  It does not verify the accuracy of submitted
*  messages, nor does it endorse opinions expressed by contributors
*  to the SERIALST forum.  Authors of messages to SERIALST are
*  solely responsible for their content.
*  Country        Subscribers
*  -------        -----------
*  Australia             66
*  Belgium                2
*  Botswana               1
*  Canada               146
*  Chile                  3
*  China                  1
*  Denmark                2
*  Egypt                  1
*  El Salvador            1
*  Finland                1
*  France                 3
*  Germany               19
*  Great Britain         47
*  Greece                 4
*  Hongkong              11
*  India                  1
*  Ireland                3
*  Israel                 9
*  Italy                  9
*  Japan                 10
*  Korea                  2
*  Malta                  1
*  Mexico                 3
*  Namibia                1
*  Netherlands           21
*  New Zealand           23
*  Norway                 7
*  Poland                 1
*  Singapore              8
*  South Africa           6
*  Spain                 10
*  Sweden                 9
*  Switzerland            3
*  Taiwan                17
*  Thailand               3
*  USA                 2085
*  ???                   38
* Total number of "concealed" subscribers:          11
* Total number of users subscribed to the list:   2578  (non-"concealed" only)
* Total number of countries represented:            37  (non-"concealed" only)
* Total number of local node users on the list:      0  (non-"concealed" only)