Re: Penny wise? e-journals as a means of saving money?
Lesley Tweddle 26 Nov 1997 13:28 UTC
Albert Henderson wrote:
..."hours downloading ... and tying up library equipment ... the
result is unbound sheets printed on one side. Who is pleased with
Interesting contribution from Mr Henderson, as usual, made me
think though: who _reads_ the print journals? Nobody. They all
end up as unbound sheets, printed on one side, too - and to the
great dilapidation of the originals. The cost of either repairing
or replacing photocopy-battered volumes is one of those hidden
expenses that nobody quite knows.
I have never even _used_ an electronic journal, over here
in Cairo: our connect time is something awful; but people certainly
want them. My impression is that academic faculty, who seem to be
the main group we try to please, experience satisfaction with a
library in direct relation to how seldom they actually have to go
into it. This may very well be because they are overworked and
don't have time to leave their desks. Just like librarians really.
They want e-journals, probably, for that reason. The costing gets
more and more complicated!
Lesley Tweddle
Serials Unit
American UNiversity in Cairo Library