I'm wondering if there are any subscribers on SERIALST who have a sense as
to what's going on with the postal strike in Canada, how long it might
last and how it is effecting libraries -- both in Canada and abroad ??
We are a medium-sized university, situated not far from the border of
Canada. We collect vigorously in a number of areas in support of a
Canadian Studies Program -- including a number of periodicals and
newspapers, government documents and monographs -- all coming from Canada
on a regular basis -- that is, when the mail is running.
Today, I was informed by a U.S. postal official that our postal service is
not accepting mail to Canada, though, curiously, one is not hearing too
many (any??) reports about this strike in the American press.
It makes me wonder about potential backlog of shipments to our library ...
and being cut-off from our friends across the border (sometimes e-mail is
just not enough!)
Any thoughts or ideas about what's going on and/or what one might expect?
Birdie MacLennan
Coordinator, Serials & Cataloging bmaclenn@zoo.uvm.edu
University of Vermont bmaclenn@uvmvm.uvm.edu